Title: Days we spent - 489w(s).
Author: ahra
Rating: g
Genre: decided by yourself - idk either lol.
Warning: idk in picturing scenes. i've tried my best, though. Unbeta-ed.
A/N: i really have to write Yes My Master 4 but THIS PLOT WOULDN'T GET OUT OF MY MIND OMG o.O finally i wrote this. sorry for the failness lol omg :x and.. ummh. Comments? Please give me cherrish comments ^^ Thankyou for reading! and God i need to study for tomorrow's exam geez.
You stroke my cheeks with big hands of yours softly.
" Taemin-ah.."
I don't know whether my fate is still to be alive or not.
When we're on the edge of our life, we will be given two options: whether it's time for us to die, or not.
Ten days to think our fate - and also to experience what we can't do in life.
But i don't know.
When you saw me in those ten days, it wasn't me.
It wasn't.. a real figure of me.
And yet, why are you touching me now .. even i'm unseen..
and you act like you're able to see me.
" Minho, i -.."
Deep, husky whisper earns me dropping down endless tears.
" Don't cry, Tae - "
Though i know, you hold your tears too - i can hear it through your shaky voice.
Days we spent together - as i posessed someone's body, we laughed together.
Until the last day - i left you.. and everything.
I haven't decided anything, and you haven't seen the real me.
But you know me.
and you are doing this to me - or to my soul which has left that temporal body i posessed.
" I love you, Minho."
You close your eyes, and that time i can't stop myself from cry.
" I still can feel your existence."
The taller boy's words shocked the latter in all glory. He rubbed the younger's face with slender fingers of him - inspecting every lines of face he touched.
Slowly i'm faded away from your touch.
You still haven't opened your eyes and keep tracing me - but in split second, a transparant substance - like water - is running down from your eyelids too.
" I don't mind in what form you will be."
" I love you too, Taemin."
Why do you still love me despite knowing it wasn't my real body?
" Because i love a soul named Lee Taemin," He whimpered, " so please.. come back to me.."
It's all i need to break into tears.
Because we're meant each other, because we love each other, because we need each other.
With that plead, my nose snuffles your hair, inhaling your sweet shampoo scent, and murmur.
" Alright."
This time, though i'm crying,
I know about something.
Upon thinking that, i smile.
" See you later."
Seconds had passed.
Minho exhaled heavy breathe and slowly opened his eyes. His hands felt empty. It was as cold as hell, but warm at the same time.
" He's gone."
It hurt him. His heart was like shattered mercilessly, callously, into pieces.
But somehow, deep inside, he felt a serenity.
Minho knew.
" He'll be back."
Minho was sure about that.
" He said 'see you later' to me."
It meant Taemin would come to his arms, again, one day, to continue his life.