Title: Frozen
Rating: G
Pairing: Namsong
A/N: I wrote this drabble while listening to Still by Daughter. This was written within the time of the music and it is unbeta'd. So forgive if there is any mistake. And check out Daughter. She is just an amazing singer. Have some angst for Namsong.
His head was in a throbbing mess. Taehyun came back late again. The warm feet were cold once more. The reflection of his back was visible. At the sight of the ink that marked his body, Mino was reminded that it had been traced by his fingers for countless of times. As Taehyun hugged his whole being, Mino realized how his body had shrunk smaller and when he bent forward, protruding spine was poking against his skin. Wrapping his own figure, fingers dug deeper into his skin.
Taehyun looked fragile in his eyes.
Taking a glance at the door, petals of flowers were scattered on the floor, shattered glasses were left abandoned across the living room. The fight they had visited him again. Agonizing cries from Taehyun had been haunting him again. You don’t understand. He kept repeating those words but Mino never understood any of the underlying messages. Was he too ignorant? Or was he too blind to see?
Gaze landed back at the reflection of the younger one. Taking off his pants, he covered his half naked body under the comfortable sheets. Mino did not need to look back to confirm his instinct. An invisible line was already there from the very start. It repelled. It segregated the both of them.
Where had the trust gone to?
Back facing each other, heart resided somewhere else, never in the same room but their questioning mind lingered around. Silent whispers bouncing against the wall but questions were never answered. Simply because of each other’s desire to open up had not reached its peak.
No one spoke to each other. With every word coming out, it was like venom poisoning their already broken heart. Blood gushing into their veins and with one move that triggered them, it took another round of fight. With an every piercing stare, it stabbed like a dagger sinking into the flesh. It would never end. The grief held in their hands, only one could withstand the pain.
Taehyun closed his eyes and scenes of them appeared. A nightmare he could never get away from.
Both slept with back facing each other. Both ended their night without saying goodnight. No communication needed for now.
Another day will repeat itself.