So a lot has happened today, I'll put it under a cut. Read if you want.
So I driving back to Dome's house with her to drop her off. I was on 94 about to get into the lane to exit onto 252. I was almost in the lane when some guy who was speeding came up and honked at me so I went to go back into my lane and then I lost control. I swerved and got turned around. I was about to hit the snow bank facing traffic. And the next thing I know there's another person in the ditch with me and I'm facing in the direction of traffic. So they hit me and I'm not sure hope my car is OK. I got it all the way to Dome's house and then it quit at the end of her drive way. I'm home now and they towed my car to my house so that's OK. Now I just have to wait until the storm passes and then I can take it somewhere. Thank God everyone is OK!
So yeah, I'm home now and I've got my weekend planned out. Watching movies and being lazy!
Hope all of you are well! <33 Have a good Christmas!