(no subject)

Jan 25, 2006 19:52

so today i had like nothing to do cuz it was no school so i downloaded all 90s songs n such and it was fun and its awesome.


have you ever...

1. Fallen for your neighbor?: yeah, when i lived in florida my "boyfriend" at the time was this kid named Matthew who lived a few houses down and he was gorgeous ... yeah we were like 6 lol

2. Made out with just a friend?: yeah, everyone kinda has one time or another

3. Been rejected?: no

4. Been in love?: yes
5. Used someone?: no, not that i know of
6. Been used?: yep
7. Been Kissed?: mmmmhm
8. Done something you regret?: hmm, i dont know ... probably

9. Cried just to get out of trouble?: yea

Who was the last person...

10. You talked to?: im talking to my hannah banana online :) (and this is ehr survey i stole lol)
11. You hugged?:  my 3 year old sister, emily lol
12. you imed?: hannah lol
13. You Missed?: i miss crescendo cuz i should be at it but its cancelled today :(
15. You yelled at?: my brother for being a complete idiot
16. You laughed with?: jeff on the phone before and hannah now
17. Who broke your heart?: lets not go there lol
18. Who told you they loved you?: probably jeff
19. You kissed?: as in hu? craig but like kiss? prob jeff lol

Have you / Do you / Are you...

20. Have a Birthmark? yuppers and im damn proud of it
21. Have any piercing?: 3, i want one more but idk what
22. Have a 6 pack?: i sorta have a 2 pack, i want 6 tho ... its so hot
23. Own your own house?: lol yeah ok im only 17
24. Own a nice car?: as soon as im done with drivers ed hopefully i will (its sad ... im 17 1/2 and i waitied until now to fucking do this drivered ed crap)
25. Speak any languages?: english lol and semi spanish
26. Cook your own Dinner?: i can if i wanted to ... i can make a mean salad lol
27. Color your hair?: no but i have caramel highlights
28. Have green eyes?: nah, mine are light brown/hazel ... it depends on the day
29. Stolen anything?: only gumballs from Dylans with Hannah lol
30. Smoked?: nope, its so gross
31. Taken drugs?: lol caffiene counts than sure
32. Obsessive?: only over certain things like crescendo, idina, rent, ccp, ... lol
33. ADD?: sometimes
34. Have a crush on someone?: no one now
35. Panic?: hmmm not to my knowledge
36. Anxiety?: depends
37. Depressed?: at times
38. Control Freak?: no
39. Obsessed with hate?: no, who wants to be like that?
40. Have a tattoo?: psh r u kidding? im jewish so deff not


41. If you could be anywhere, where would it be?: CRESCENDO REHEARSAL!!! (ggrr its cancelled)
42. Can you do anything freakish with your body?: im very flexable ... other that that no (my extemes are like splits, cartwheels, roundoffs, kicks, one hand cartwheels, handstands, ... things like that lol and of course dancer things like turns n shit but other than that no lol)
43. What feature do you find most attractive on guys?: physically- eyes, smile, face. personality wise - sense of humor, sweetness, musical guys

44. Would you vote for a woman candidate for president?: idk, i dont care either
45. Would you marry for money?: nah
46. Have you had braces?: nopers
48. Do you sing in the shower?: usually when i shower its like at 5:30 am so no cuz im half asleep, when im not up that early for school, the answer is yes
50. Could you live without a computer?: nope
51. Do you use AOL, MSN, Yahoo?: aol/aim
53. If you could live in any past, where would it be?: id wanna be a teen in the late 80s-early 90s
54. Do you wear white socks?: yea
55. Do you wear shoes?: duh
56. What is your favorite fruit?: apples, pineapple, cantelope, strawberries, bananas, ... anything really i loooooooove fruit
57. Do you eat wheat bread or white?: LIGHT WHEAT only!!!
58. What is your favorite place to visit?: nyc, florida idk, lake como pa (camp)
59. Favorite DVD?: RENT!!!! and BAND CAMP!!!!!! AAAH! LOL
60. Do you kiss on the first date?: if  things go well then why not
61. Are you photogenic?: i think so
62. Do you dream in color or black and white?: color, gotta love vibrance
63. What are you wearing right now?: pjs (black sweat pants and craigs sweat shirt cuz its comfy as hell)
64. Do you eat a lot of fruit?: YESSSS I LIVE ON FRUIT
65. Do you have dimples?: i sometimes have one on my right cheek
66. Do you remember being born?: lol no, its impossible to cuz your brain isnt fully developed silly
67. Why do you take surveys?: procrastination
68. Do you drink alcohol? on occaision
70. What is the best accent?: i like israeli accents and british accents a lot!
72. Do you like sunsets?: sure?
73. Do you want to live to be 100?: only if im extremely healthy at 100 and happy and all that jazz
74. If not, why?: ----
75. Do you or have you played with a quija board?: what?
76. Are you loyal?: yes indeed
77. Are you tolerant of other people?: with most people
81. At what age did you find out that Santa Claus wasn't real?: im jewish ... santa was never a part of my life sadly lol
82. How many pairs of shoes do have in your closet?: omg too many, its sad
84. Do you write poetry?: lol no
85. Snore?: if i have a bad cold and cant breathe then yes
86. Do you sleep more on your back, front, or sides?: stomach
87. Do you like Cats/Dogs?: dogs definitely, im not a cat person
88. Do you lick stamps?: no
89. Do you use an electric can opener?: nah, not that cool, i only have a mechanical one
90. Have you ridden in a hot air balloon?: no, that be cool tho
91. Like your name?: yup
92. Were you named after anyone?: my grandpa who died
93. Do you wish on stars?: i never have before
94. Which finger is your favorite?: my pointer figer cuz thats what my ring is on :)
95. When did you last cry?: umm sunday night
98. Favorite num.?: 15
99. Any bad habits?: yea, i bite my nails
100. How many kids do you want?: 2 or 3
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