honey, if you were a writer and published a book as beautiful as you do in these journals. you would be my #1 author. i don't know anyone who can put each words together so sexy as you do. <3
ah no no. it's not what i write that's beautiful, i can only give a mere nudge towards what i feel and see, and it's that, which can be very beautiful. but thank you, so much.
anything to be able to distract yourself. it's like glue. once you're stuck so long when you try & come off you still have the marks; i've lost alot of my inspiration & i continuously ask myself WHERE'S IT GONE. but then, where's it all gone your picture's are always absoloutely stunning, especially with the words on them ♥
i don't think it was the inspiration that i lost, it was the motivation. now, i reckon, i have more inspiration to make beautiful things than ever before. the problem here, is that i'm too wound up in love to settle down and create. i am heading for the loss of both my creativity, and my love, if i don't try to be ... less crazy!
thank you for complementing my pictures. the words, well i didn't intend for them to enhance any 'beauty' but if that's what they do, then i'm happy! digital imagery is cheap but soon enough i can post some of my real photography.
We have to speak on the phone sometime soon, now its summer. And Im definitely going to come to London to hug you and smoke with you. I want to stay up speaking to you till 2am, sipping vodka and coke through a straw, sometime soon. I hope you're happy doll.
we really do, we really really do. i'm always shocked by how early the sun seems to be coming up in london these days. its a crazy red on the calmest blues.
i'm approaching a happiness, it most often beaten down. how about yourself?
wow. I clicked the "random" button on here and it took me to your lj. i was wondering if i could add you? it seems like you write like i feel a lot of the time, only you're more adept at getting it across right. :P
Comments 12
(I don't know what to say really. I just like you to know that I read your entries and that they have some kind of *value* to me.)
and how did you find me?
your picture's are always absoloutely stunning, especially with the words on them
thank you for complementing my pictures. the words, well i didn't intend for them to enhance any 'beauty' but if that's what they do, then i'm happy! digital imagery is cheap but soon enough i can post some of my real photography.
i'm approaching a happiness, it most often beaten down. how about yourself?
take care you crazy diamond xx
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