
Jan 08, 2006 23:12

I've never been in a position where I couldn't talk about the things that are going on in my life to anyone. But I can't. It's so surreal to not be listening, or talking, or just being a fuckall dumbass. If you had showed me a year ago where I would be a year from then (now), I think I might shit myself. And maybe cry a little ( Read more... )

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Comments 12

electricicecube January 9 2006, 09:50:16 UTC
I think there's a sort of blatant pride in writing about yourself, like your exposing your wisedom even when you've fucked up. I mean, everyone knows the whole idea of a "new year" is different, that having to put up a new calender on the wall changes nothing, but it's all the little realizations that matter in life. You're really good at that, and thats why i loves ya. [insert cute emoticon]!!1!11


chokingrose January 13 2006, 13:42:03 UTC
i miss you aawawwwwwww :(


my_endless_fire January 9 2006, 20:09:19 UTC
i just think you need to stop the cycle of in love/fucked out of love for a while and be single without the burden of trying to figure out somebody's true feelings about (in terms of romantic feelings). You need a good half year or so to figure out alot of stuff about yourself and about everything else. I mean, at the very least put your love life on hold. I wish some of the guys in your life would realise that you've basically been married for the last 4 or 5 years and to expect to have a successful romance with you is obserd because in the end you aren't ready for it, I don't see how you CAN be. You need time away from all the bullshit and stress that comes with love ( ... )


chokingrose January 13 2006, 13:41:46 UTC
cone, you're too much. hahahaha <3


my_endless_fire January 14 2006, 07:00:08 UTC
i meant im no less than your best friend ps haha


(The comment has been removed)

chokingrose January 13 2006, 13:41:18 UTC
thank you mr. zach :)


jerkkface January 11 2006, 13:36:20 UTC
yo. I suppose im the only dick who misses old steph. You know how i feel about this shit. and oh well here it is public. ill tell you your fucking face cus appprently im the only bitch who will really ever be honest with you and you know that and you dont want to listen and then you say shit like this. so whatever. ivebeen there for you ... but everytime i actually i need you, your to busy. you know ive actually cried about it? so fuck it anyone who doesnt care about you isn't worth it- and im pretty sure youve told me the same thing about someone else. where the hell is old steph? cus i dont like the new one and i know that you arent gunna think shit about this and contact me so whatever.

and i dont want shit from people for saying this so if you got a problem suck my dick.... its btw me and steph. Im not making a comment war so save it. You got something to say fucking call my cell phone. there is no way i wanna hear lj drama cus i will punch whoever wants to fucking "LJ BATTLE ME" in thier stupid face.


chokingrose January 13 2006, 13:39:55 UTC
i know you'll be honest with me and i'm willing to listen. its just that, i really dont think that im that much different. ive been through some shit and situations in my life have changed completely, i dunno maybe i am scared that im not the same, and that my friends wont like it. i cant offer anyone any explanation about the shit i do, i just do it. and when people get on my ass about how im a bad friend and im not the same i just get upset and dont wanna deal with it cause i feel like i fucked up and cant do anything about it and that im just gonna keep hearing about how much i suck. and yeah, its understandable for you to say that, believe me you arent the only one who thinks that sommething aint right with me. i dunno. im still trying to figure out what i need to do. i miss me too.


jerkkface January 13 2006, 19:01:26 UTC
you aren't willing to listen if the only way i can talk to you is threw livejournal. when did our friendship becoming so nonexistent and really meaningless? I say you are being a bad friend somtimes cuz its ture. You treat me like crap somtimes, and other people that you clam to not like- you treat them much better than me. &&& im not asking for an explanation. I don't like that id like take a bullet for you and you could maybe manage a paper cut for me.


my_endless_fire January 15 2006, 05:12:22 UTC
who cares if you're the same or not you're presence is better than most people.... even if you're dressed up in abercrombie and talk like Quinn from Daria everyone will still love you


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