Title: Just Another Kiss
chokingsmokerPairing: Ohmiya (Ohno Satoshi and Ninomiya Kazunari)
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not for profit. Fiction.
Word Count: 1,200
Summary: Nino gets, uhm, nervous?
aatash's translation and narration of the June 19 2008 Fukuoka concert was used for this fic (Thanks, Aki!).
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Comments 20
My favorite line! \o/ This was amazing! I love that just before the kiss, Nino was contemplating the relationship, and it all sounded like one big hilarious justification for his feelings (or lack of sentimental feelings) for Ohno. And he's nervous as heck and he still couldn't bring himself to figure out why XD
Loved it!
(btw, your link at arashirabu seems to be a bit wonky; you only need to delete a "/" for it to work)
I'm so glad you liked that line! I wanted to write an Ohmiya fic with Nino seemingly in denial, with Nino being in denial that he's in denial! I was hoping it won't turn out incredibly out of character, and now I'm relieved that you liked it (which implies that it wasn't as OOC as I feared).
One big hilarious justification! Nice! In this fic-verse, Nino is full of excuses!
Thanks for the heads up; I've fixed the link. And another thanks for reading!
Do you still like Kiwi? and Are you still in Saudi (was quite worried about you guys when the ermmm 'revolution' broke out - and seeing you here means you're ok!
Love hugs and blessings ... you were so much missed ...
uhmmm zan in case you forgot that crazy chick from singapore. Come here and visit us ok! More love more hugs and more kisses and blessings.
*CS runs to Zan, only to stumble so royally just inches away from her target*
Yes, I still love kiwi, and we're back from Bahrain, and no I haven't forgotten you. I always remember you, too! I read your lj (but never comment because I'm such a lazy ass). I have a short explanation in the previous (friends-locked, but you have access to that) post on why I haven't been around. :)
I'll try to visit! I want to return to SG, but still not allowed to travel (I wanted to go to HK for the L'arc anniversary concert but wasn't able to).
Zaaaaaaaan! ♥ It's wonderful to be in touch with you again. :)
Will comment there uhhmmm when life affords me sometime 'kay?
Love ya!
Love you, too! Give my regards to your family! Happy Mommies' Day!
Isn't that cute when they are just realizing their own desire?
Loved it really much!
Thanks for the generous compliment!
I like to imagine how Arashi members realize that they're feeling something for someone; this is probably why my fics naturally gravitate to this storyline. :)
Thanks again for dropping by!
You write so well !
I love how you describe their relation.
But well... there is more than just that sexual relationship :D
Of course, there's more to Ohmiya than just sex. Ohmiya is True love. ♥
I'm happy you stopped by! ;)
Today is my Ohmiya fanfiction day ♥
(Well everyday is my Ohmiya fanfiction day :O)
The characterization and the Ohmiya relationship comes off as more realistic than in most fics. I like how it's cute without being sappy :D
I love sappy Ohmiya (Yeah, I just want to have Ohmiya in any way I could get them), but this time I just wanted to try writing an Ohmiya fic with less sugar. I'm glad you liked it!
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