Title: Enough
chokingsmokerPairing: Ohmiya (Ohno Satoshi and Ninomiya Kazunari), Yama (Ohno Satoshi and Sakurai Sho)
Rating: PG [?]
Disclaimer: Not for profit. Fiction.
Word Count: 2,028
Summary: Sakurai Sho thinks about Ohno Satoshi.
Notes: I tried to write Sho as the deep thinking Keio boy I've
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Comments 53
i hope you do get well soon and am glad this fic didn't make you sicker. >_~
and hurray because you found this beautiful! *luffs back* i tried writing sho and arashi as i imagined they would be and it's great knowing it worked for you! yey another! yes, yes, i agree with you--While I love fics that make up a scenario and put Arashi in it, I *really* adore the ones that take something that actually happened, and then explain the why of it all in their fics. i love arashi fics as a rule, love them more if they feature something that actually happened, love them best when these somethings are interpreted in various adorable imaginable ways ( ... )
Everyone seemed really in-character here, especially Sho.
Wonderful job!! This piece has inspired me to write my own~Please write more! Ganbatte ne ^__^v
although i ship ohmiya, sakuraiba and shohmiya, and pairings involving ohno, i find any team up--pairing, threesome, orgy--wonderful as long as it's written well. hell, i think arashi fics are love, as a rule.
i was wondering if i got the characters right, and again, i thank you for saying that it worked for you.
oh, i shall be waiting for your stories!
I like your Sho. He's very real to me. Nice job.
i'm glad you enjoyed reading this. and i'm also very relieved to learn that the sho in this story worked for you.
thanks again!
Who can resist those hips when they swirl? That sexy (d-did I just say SEXY?! *dead*) voice? The cute pout?
And the worst part is... he doesn't even know how irresistable he is. Ugh!
of course, everyone wants Leader! those hips, that voice, those lips, those hands! *hyperventilates* and i agree with you, no one can resist him, but it's not like anyone is trying to and even if they can, they won't. because OHNOSATOSHIISLOVE! yey!
that he is actually clueless about his effect on all of us makes him all the more irresistible, i find.
leader, why so pretty? why so wonderful? *sniffs*
but that aside! you have an awesome way of writing! it's really original in the sense that you include all the thought process in those brackets and it's like something I would think of doing too, but I don't simply because I'm afraid I can't execute it properly. oh well.
anyway! I was highly amused at kegom's comment thread. XD OHNO FANS UNITE. uwahhh. I dunno, I find it really rare to find fellow ohno fans! *_* most I know are Jun fans and Sho's too I guess.. HAHAHA. truly, I like all of them but I think, riida is the absolute best because he does such weird, crazy and cute things without even having the intention of doing such things purely for attention (which he end up getting a lot of! ^^v) unlike a certain Kazu-chan
oh dear, I think I rambled about endless things that had nothing to do with you fic but more on why Ohno is such a compelling character. AHAHAHA. *shott* forgive me?
good of you to notice! i'm a big fan of arial narrow! XD no, really. seriously.
thanks for the generously lovely comment! how many times have i said [or written, for that matter] that arashi fans are terrific? i love this fandom!
anyway! I was highly amused at kegom's comment thread.
so am i!
when i first lurked around, almost all arashi fans i saw around were jun's [most of them are so nice and work hard at translating arashi materials, writing porn fanfics, screen capping arashi shows and such]--maybe because i was jun-baited and you know the adage on birds with the same feathers [birds of the same feather are the same birds together. ahahahahaha! *shot again*]--but these days ohno fans are active in the fandom. congratulations, ohno fans! yey!
truly, I like all of them but I think, riida is the absolute best because he does such weird, crazy and cute ( ... )
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