got you all another survey.. hurray!
If I were a month I would be:
-- November. Nice, but not the hot ones or cold ones. Nice.
If I were a day of the week I would be:
-- Thursday. Work, but still tight.
If I were a time of day I would be:
-- 9 am
If I were a planet I would be:
-- Neptune? Uranus with a less funny name maybe
If I were a sea animal I would be:
-- sea turtle, or sting rizzay. Only a ghetto one.
If I were a direction I would be:
-- north
If I were a piece of furniture I would be:
-- grandfather clock. Does that count? Fridge I guess.
If I were a sin I would be:
-- sloth :D
If I were a historical figure I would be:
-- an irish brave heart. Whats his name.. Cuchulain!
If I were a liquid I would be:
-- paint thinner. I don’t know haha.
If I were a stone, I would be:
-- stone? rolling stone. Or limestone
If I were a tree, I would be:
-- oak
If I were a bird, I would be:
-- sparrow
If I were a flower/plant, I would be:
-- that one that weed you blow and make a wish with
If I were a kind of weather, I would be:
-- misty, foggy, nice day.
If I were a musical instrument, I would be:
-- bass.
If I were a color, I would be:
-- scarlet
If I were a mythical creature, I would be:
-- scuzzlebutt
If I were an emotion, I would be:
-- happy. Or unconfident, if that could be an emotion
If I were an animal, I would be:
-- polar bear. or panda bear. more on the polar side.
If I were a vegetable, I would be:
-- potato duh
If I were a sound, I would be:
-- light rain. Or real heavy bass you can feel in your chest
If I were an element, I would be:
-- carbon
If I were a car, I would be:
-- dodge charger, like in dukes of hazards, with the stripes, 01, and orange paint and all
If I were a song, I would be:
-- protest song ‘68, refused.
If I were a movie, I would be directed by:
-- I would say Kevin smith from 10 years ago, but im going with that guy from being john malk, eternal sunshine, and adaptation.
If I were a book, I would be written by:
-- r.l. stine.just cause I used to be in love with him like 8 years ago.
If I were a food, I would be:
-- London broil with mushrooms, mashed potatoes, and gravy
If I were a place, I would be:
-- an urban street block with tall towers and a lot of scenesters’ apartments
If I were a sauce/dip, I would be:
-- bbq
If I were a mexican food, I would be:
-- chalupa or a big plate of meaty nachos
If I were an object, I would be:
-- [hella vague..] mike joyce?
If I were a taste, I would be:
-- whatever it is those tasty as valentines day hearts are
If I were a religion, I would be:
-- catholic
If I were a word, I would be:
-- uh. Yea that’s it “uh”
If I were a body part I would be:
-- the back, or chest (like pec’s?)
If I were a facial expression I would be:
-- sun in my eyes, quirky grin
If I were a number I would be:
-- 17.
My name is: mike
In the morning I am: groggy till 9, then fully awake. Cant sleep in past that
All I need: is someone
Love is: kind of wasted usually :-/
afraid of: being really lame and ignored.
I dream about: perfect conversations and social situations. And being fucking rich.
H A V E .Y O U. E V E R
Pictured your crush naked?: wow.
Actually seen your crush naked: no
Been in love: no.
Cried when someone died: only when I was 6 and my grandpa died; my mom did, my dad did, and I did mostly cause they were upset. How emo is that.
Lied: not usually if I can help.
W H I C H . I S . B E T T E R
Coke or Pepsi: coke (diet :D).
Flowers or candy: flowers as a gift, candy for me .
Tall or short: a little shorter then me.
W I T H .T H E. O P P O S I T E. S E X
What do you notice first?: how someone carries themselves, face.
Last person u slow danced with: I think laura. Like over a year and a half ago. Fuck. Good thing im really not going to prom. haha
Makes you laugh the most: chappelle‘s show and the lil jon sketch. YEEEYAH
Makes you smile: attention :D. and emo music, cause im totally sane and don’t cry, so I enjoy it.
Do you have a crush on someone? Shit like this spread
Has a crush on you: some people whom I don’t really care for. But no.
Easiest to talk to: carissa, cause its like were related. Not in a mambo kind of sister, as in we can share road trips and not kill one another. And Caitlin, but I couldn’t roadtrip with her haha
D O. Y O U. E V E R
Sit on the internet all day waiting for someone special to I.M. you: hell yea
Save Aol/aim conversations: they automatically save. But I have gone back and looked at good ones.
Wish you were a member of the opposite sex: well. I guess. Not seriously, only curiously.
Cried because of someone saying something to you: in middle school I was such a pussy
H A V E .Y O U .E V E R
Fallen for your best friend: nope. Ive had someone I fell for become by best friend though
Been rejected: I wouldn’t have the balls to ask :-/
Rejected someone: yea but only for dances and shit
Used someone: sexually? I don’t think so..
Been cheated on: yea
Done something you regret: I guess so. But more so what I don’t do
W H O .W A S .T H E .L A S T. P E R S O N
You talked to on the phone: my mom or brother
You instant messaged: carissa or jenna
You laughed with: online, jenna. In life, my sister laura
D O .Y O U
Colour your hair: no
Ever get off the damn computer: not at home
D O .Y O U / / A R E .Y O U
Smoke cigarettes: on weekend.
Obsessive: no.
Could you live without the computer?: GOD no.
How many peeps are on your buddy list?: people I talk to (or could): 65. 200 who I just read profiles of.
What's your favourite fruit?: banana or strawberry
Drink alcohol?: eh. Depends on situation and group
Like watching sunrises or sunset: I do when I see em.
Trust ppl?: I guess
Of times I have had my heart broken?: kind of once, but I promised I wasn’t
Of continents I have lived in?: one
Of drugs taken illegally: welll. Alc, tobacco, weed, valium, vic, xanax, oxycodon, and shrooms. Not sure what else.
Of tight friends: a good few, some id like to be tighter.
Of cd's that I own: too many, on my comp.
Of things in my past that I regret?: only what I don’t do.