Paul's livejournal is four years old!
Step into the TIME PORTAL...
05/06/01: My first entry.
one 06/17/01: AIM double-conversation.
two 01/16/02: Nineteen comments, with a ridiculously short entry.
three 01/20/02: I make an observation about things.
four 02/11/02: I talk about nostalgia (wow, like I'm doing now!)
five 05/03/02: A story from kindergarten that I think sums up my childhood nicely.
six 04/09/02: I did a lot of thinking lately.
seven 08/20/02: I review my friends list.
eight 09/19/02: One of my favorite entries ever.
nine (2003/2004 was mostly political antiwar stuff, and you've seen it all before, so I won't bore you with it)
Also in 2004 I dropped off the face of livejournal for a Summer and a Fall, then reappeared in small doses in December.
ten 04/22/05: My full-on return to livejournal.
eleven 05/06/05: A look back at four years.
twelve I hope you enjoyed this Tour-de-Paul. I know I didn't. What a waste of time compiling this piece of crap. I'd better get 99 comments!