Pictures and
Pics From my Birthday Party
Mike 'Fondue' 'Double D', Shannon and my brother
Right before I caught my second wind
Cutting some cake, wearing a new shirt.
My roommate Graham with Two Jen's (Loud Jen and Library Jen)
Last Wednesday I was woken up at 3 in the morning by my roomate and a bunch of friends who had just gotten back from drinking. They brought weird discount beers i've never heard of (Alpine, Cold Creek Strong Kokanne 'Gold') and off course decided to set up the turn tables and play dance music.
My friend Ben (aka the 40 year old virgin). Usually he's a very quiet guy but it was his birthday that night and he was going bonkers.
I'm trying to smile and be happy that everyone is having such a good time even though I have to work at 8 tomorrow.
I took part in this Canadian Cancer Society 'Run for the Cure' where you have teams of about 10 and someone from your team is always walking/running around a track from 7pm to 8am. At about 3am it started to rain and the majority of my team fucked off so the walking was left to three of us.
Our team had a 'Gone Fishing' theme. You can't see in this picture but i'm wearing leg weighters.
Action shot!!!
This time of year the sun sets from 11:30 to about 2am before it starts to rise again. This picture was taken at about 1 I think.
Some Random Pics
My brother's roommate Pat looking very Canadian. He is a photographer and is getting paid to fly down to Edmonton to cover game six of the stanley cup if it goes to that. This entire town is envious.
My computer screen (where the magic happens)
In other news:
- I now have a part time job at a bookstore. It will be a saturday or sunday each week. I get to borrow any books I want :)
- For two weeks i'm house sitting for a friend from work. My main job is just to provide a lap for his cats to sit on.
- I don't really like my job that much and have been applying all over the place.
- I'm drinking too much