After much debate (Target? No. Manhattan? I'd love to, but no. Coney Island? No.), I've decided to discover and shop downtown Brooklyn. I'm going to find that Brooklyn shirt/sweatshirt...I forgot what store Victor said they were. Oh well. I need to get some earrings, my nails done (I might actually go to Spanish Harlem for that), and a purse.
choppastylegirl: But they're all russian
choppastylegirl: I'm going to borough hall today
choppastylegirl: Well around it
choppastylegirl: That sounds cool, we should've had a parish hall
theworldalmanac: oOo russian projects
choppastylegirl: Instead of "da cawthouse"
choppastylegirl: Haha
theworldalmanac: we should have had a hall period
theworldalmanac: da hall
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
choppastylegirl: Ohhh
choppastylegirl: They tore dow lacoste :(
choppastylegirl: Down*
theworldalmanac: :-(
choppastylegirl: I cried when my mom told me, I went there
theworldalmanac: how do you know?
theworldalmanac: oh
choppastylegirl: And Jake's Palace and Ted's Place...the bingo places
choppastylegirl: And Beau's of course, I remember how bad it was
choppastylegirl: But CHS bought lacoste and tore it down
choppastylegirl: Fucking jews
theworldalmanac: how can a high school buy an elem school?
theworldalmanac: doesn't the parish own them all?
choppastylegirl: The parish is broke
choppastylegirl: They sold the land 2 Chalmette
choppastylegirl: If I remember it correctly, lacoste was kinda on ahill
theworldalmanac: hmm the high school?
choppastylegirl: Yeah
choppastylegirl: Not the city haha
theworldalmanac: but see, how did the high school get to have its own money
theworldalmanac: ?
choppastylegirl: That's what I'm saying
choppastylegirl: Its stb
choppastylegirl: Don't ask questions
choppastylegirl: Oh did I tell you
choppastylegirl: My sister's ex husband, wayne melerine
choppastylegirl: He got caught hunting on glenn diaz's property...
choppastylegirl: The fucking DA of st bernard parish
theworldalmanac: hahaha
---------------------- 12:33 pm ----------------------
choppastylegirl: And dredging oysters on government propert
choppastylegirl: Y
theworldalmanac: yeah you told me
choppastylegirl: Yep
theworldalmanac: actually, no you didn't
theworldalmanac: i just lied
choppastylegirl: Haha
choppastylegirl: So he is going to jail for awhile
theworldalmanac: melerine is one of those names you never see anymore
theworldalmanac: pobre cito
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
theworldalmanac: pobre stupid cito
choppastylegirl: Well
choppastylegirl: Its very very funny
theworldalmanac: how long did he get for that?
choppastylegirl: Because I was talking to yasin and I said
choppastylegirl: "That's a melerine for you"
choppastylegirl: Not realizing how much of a small town statement that was
choppastylegirl: :)
theworldalmanac: melerine looks like a retard name
choppastylegirl: Haha they aren't the best of people
theworldalmanac: diaz is a very STB name as well
choppastylegirl: But you know the names
choppastylegirl: Torres
theworldalmanac: but you see diaz elsewhere
choppastylegirl: The park people haha
choppastylegirl: Yep
theworldalmanac: usually on mexicans
choppastylegirl: Hahah dirty mexican DA
choppastylegirl: Except...he's fat and white
theworldalmanac: STB: home of the white people with mexican names
choppastylegirl: Hahahahahhaha
choppastylegirl: Awesome
theworldalmanac: Diaz, Lopez, Torres, Acosta
choppastylegirl: Hernandez
choppastylegirl: Yep, acosta
theworldalmanac: our pres is named rodriguez
choppastylegirl: And he's white a f*ck
choppastylegirl: Haa
theworldalmanac: yeah they're all white
theworldalmanac: it's weird
choppastylegirl: Well "isleno"
theworldalmanac: yeah
theworldalmanac: but it's white
theworldalmanac: it's confusing shit
choppastylegirl: My moms last name is Carreras
theworldalmanac: its like if everyone in STB had first names like Laquanda or Javon
choppastylegirl: And I have some hernandez in me
choppastylegirl: Hahahahaha
choppastylegirl: Yeah
theworldalmanac: you see a spanish last name and expect a mexican
theworldalmanac: but you get a white person
choppastylegirl: We do have some funny first names...or atleast unpopular names elsewher
choppastylegirl: E
choppastylegirl: Like old names nobody uses anymore
choppastylegirl: Like
choppastylegirl: Middle class names
theworldalmanac: well there's merlin but he's his own character
choppastylegirl: Buddy
theworldalmanac: oOo yeah thats true
choppastylegirl: You should read "freakonomics"
choppastylegirl: Good stuff
choppastylegirl: Bubba
theworldalmanac: this is not the first time you've mentioned this
choppastylegirl: Bubba John's
theworldalmanac: and i saw the author on the daily show years ago
choppastylegirl: I know
choppastylegirl: I found my copy of the book actually
theworldalmanac: they call my cousin bubba
choppastylegirl: Come get it
choppastylegirl: See
theworldalmanac: i'm fond of calling rednecks "bubbas"
choppastylegirl: But yet we SWEAR we aren't country
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
choppastylegirl: Like
choppastylegirl: Elsewhere you call the a son with his dads first name "john jr."
choppastylegirl: But there its "lil john" or just junior
theworldalmanac: yeah how narcisstic can you be?
choppastylegirl: Lil ricky, lil ralph
theworldalmanac: haha yeah
theworldalmanac: little gino
theworldalmanac: would be another cousin of mine
choppastylegirl: Lil ralph is funny, because who names their kids ralph anymore
choppastylegirl: Haha see
choppastylegirl: Not little...LIL
theworldalmanac: well yeah but i feel liek a retard typing lil
choppastylegirl: Haha
choppastylegirl: A jimmy
theworldalmanac: but i'm totally fine with typing liek
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
choppastylegirl: I didn't even catch that
theworldalmanac: well see i didnt think i was actually being a jimmy because i'm not proud of my retardation
theworldalmanac: i'm not all indignant with that shit
theworldalmanac: there needs to be a movie made about a jimmy kid
choppastylegirl: Nooo
choppastylegirl: Well yeha
choppastylegirl: With the floats
---------------------- 12:43 pm ----------------------
theworldalmanac: haha yeah
choppastylegirl: Like you didn't know whether to shout at them to throw you beads
choppastylegirl: Just very awkward
theworldalmanac: after one parade you know
theworldalmanac: when you see the jimmy kid float just leave
theworldalmanac: the fire truck is right behind it anyway
theworldalmanac: they got the shittiest ass cheapo beads no one wanted
theworldalmanac: you accidentally catch a pair and throw it on the ground
choppastylegirl: Hahahhaha
choppastylegirl: Or let them fall
choppastylegirl: Unless you get the whole pack
theworldalmanac: like 'fuck you're taking up space for other beads i actually want....or cups!"
choppastylegirl: How lazy is that
theworldalmanac: oh yeah that changes things
theworldalmanac: those were ONLY valuable if you got the pack
choppastylegirl: Damnit
theworldalmanac: i would never do that shit
choppastylegirl: That's hilarious
theworldalmanac: cant be unprepared at a parade
choppastylegirl: Nah we didn't either
choppastylegirl: We usually had a truck
choppastylegirl: And parked in front of lacoste
theworldalmanac: damn
theworldalmanac: lucky ass
choppastylegirl: Haha
theworldalmanac: i was always jealous of people w/ trucks who'd park in the schweggman's parking lot
choppastylegirl: I remember Burger King in Chalmette was the black part and my momtold me not to go there specifically
theworldalmanac: you like had a 4x4 space where anything that fell was yours
choppastylegirl: Only if I went with family did we have a truck
choppastylegirl: Hahaha exactly
theworldalmanac: i was great at getting shit that fell on the ground
choppastylegirl: And people be sitting on lawn chairs in their truck beds
choppastylegirl: That's funny
theworldalmanac: since i'm so short i coudln't catch much
theworldalmanac: so i'd just scramble on the ground by the float
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
theworldalmanac: knocking ppl down taking shit
theworldalmanac: isn't that nuts
choppastylegirl: The lawn chairs?
theworldalmanac: well yes
choppastylegirl: Or just pushing people for cheap plastic?
theworldalmanac: both
choppastylegirl: Ahhh
choppastylegirl: Well yeah
theworldalmanac: you go crazy for that shit
theworldalmanac: and it's worthless
choppastylegirl: I remember one year we went to Lee's Circle for the Zulu parade
theworldalmanac: the next day is like a hangover
theworldalmanac: wtf did i go through that for this for?
theworldalmanac: i never did wake up early enough to see all of zulu :-(
choppastylegirl: And people who got there early had actually linked beads together and roped their sections off
theworldalmanac: omg yeah i've seen that
choppastylegirl: And yelled at people for stepping in their section
choppastylegirl: Like they bought tickets and shit
theworldalmanac: yeah i hate ppl like that
theworldalmanac: like they own the neutral ground
choppastylegirl: It was very annoying
theworldalmanac: ft you bitch this is the street
choppastylegirl: Oh yah we were at zulu for like 4am
choppastylegirl: I'd so do it again
theworldalmanac: i used to have 2 coconuts
choppastylegirl: Exactly
theworldalmanac: bc my dad knew a guy in the parade
theworldalmanac: but i cant find them
choppastylegirl: I never caught a fucking coconut!
theworldalmanac: well neither did i
choppastylegirl: But I had one bc someone gave me one
theworldalmanac: you basically have to know someone in the parade
theworldalmanac: too hard to get
choppastylegirl: And my mom saved it from katrina...and then the fire..:(
choppastylegirl: Yep
theworldalmanac: :-(
theworldalmanac: i saved mine too
theworldalmanac: but i think i lost them in all the moving we did
choppastylegirl: Sucks
theworldalmanac: oh well
theworldalmanac: lee's circle was a cool place to go though
theworldalmanac: i was there for rex a few times
choppastylegirl: Yeah it was the white part of zulu
choppastylegirl: Oh yeah and the truck parade
theworldalmanac: in fact, the mardi gras before katrina i saw mrs unger out there
theworldalmanac: that was kinda weird
choppastylegirl: Who cares about a trucks covered in astroturf
theworldalmanac: the trucks blow
choppastylegirl: -a
theworldalmanac: unless youre a kid
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
choppastylegirl: Wow
theworldalmanac: if you're a kid the trucks are the shit
choppastylegirl: Nah
choppastylegirl: I never liked them
theworldalmanac: like 200 floats
theworldalmanac: endless beads
theworldalmanac: need like 3 garbage bags
choppastylegirl: Like you have zulu and rex...and then trucks
choppastylegirl: Sucked
choppastylegirl: Hahha
choppastylegirl: To do what with them??
theworldalmanac: well
choppastylegirl: The beads
theworldalmanac: you were just more highbrow
choppastylegirl: Someone was always selling them in the quarters
theworldalmanac: not until i was older did i realize that the named parades had the "good" shit
choppastylegirl: For the tourists
theworldalmanac: hahaha i KNOW!
theworldalmanac: i would always think
theworldalmanac: what a fucking jimmy kid!
choppastylegirl: And you're going, I have three garbage bags in my attic and I got em for free!
theworldalmanac: you are buying beads for a dollar
theworldalmanac: an hour ago they were throwing them FOR FREE
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
choppastylegirl: It was even good shit
choppastylegirl: But they made money
choppastylegirl: Bc of dumb tourists
theworldalmanac: its nuts man
theworldalmanac: i wish i had some beads now
choppastylegirl: I wonder how many locals screamed at them
theworldalmanac: because ppl buy them here
choppastylegirl: And the guy pushing the cotton candy and glow sticks
choppastylegirl: Omg
theworldalmanac: they probably just went home, got beads and sold them too
choppastylegirl: In the parish was the best
---------------------- 12:53 pm ----------------------
theworldalmanac: well we had lots of those guys pushing shopping carts
choppastylegirl: You could catch the parade TWICE if you stayed on the neutral ground
theworldalmanac: oh yeah
theworldalmanac: i always did that
choppastylegirl: Me too
theworldalmanac: its dumb not too
theworldalmanac: why stand where you can only see it once?
choppastylegirl: Exactly
choppastylegirl: We were always by lacoste though
theworldalmanac: you need to get as much cheap worthless roach-attracting shit as you can
choppastylegirl: And palmisano
theworldalmanac: yeah
choppastylegirl: Omg
theworldalmanac: in all my life i never saw a parade in STB that far down the road
theworldalmanac: depending on who i was with
choppastylegirl: They used to throw rubber dog poop
choppastylegirl: Random shit
choppastylegirl: Literally
theworldalmanac: i was always from arabi to as far down as jubilee
theworldalmanac: haha
theworldalmanac: yeah that shit was nasty
choppastylegirl: It was funny
choppastylegirl: I played with mine for like a week
choppastylegirl: My mom hated it
theworldalmanac: i think the weirdest throw i ever got
theworldalmanac: was a yoga book
theworldalmanac: before yoga was popular
choppastylegirl: Haha
choppastylegirl: Wtf
theworldalmanac: naturally i got it in a truck parade
choppastylegirl: Well
theworldalmanac: you never know what you get on the trucks
choppastylegirl: I guess I lose with my rubber turds
choppastylegirl: The weird stuff caught at mardi gras
theworldalmanac: people be throwing shit they got out their living room
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
theworldalmanac: fuck a yard sale
theworldalmanac: throw it
choppastylegirl: I hated the beauty queens yo
choppastylegirl: They never threw me shit
theworldalmanac: well it's BS
theworldalmanac: and even if they did
theworldalmanac: it was just one little pair
choppastylegirl: I wanted the cups!
theworldalmanac: very dull
choppastylegirl: Very
theworldalmanac: omg i loved cups
choppastylegirl: But the cups
choppastylegirl: Me too!
theworldalmanac: we'd use em
choppastylegirl: We never used glasses around that time
theworldalmanac: my grandma never bought a cup in her life so far as i know
choppastylegirl: And only threw them away when they were too chewed up
theworldalmanac: and why the fuck would you?
theworldalmanac: its free cups
choppastylegirl: Exactly
choppastylegirl: Omg this sounds so strange
theworldalmanac: i dug holes in the backyard, burried them, and played golf
choppastylegirl: Like another world
choppastylegirl: Hahahahah
theworldalmanac: cups i mean
choppastylegirl: That's AWESOME
theworldalmanac: yeah we had a spacious backyard
choppastylegirl: That's actually pretty smart
theworldalmanac: in our neighborhood (brook's and i)
theworldalmanac: the houses on the curves had bigger yards
choppastylegirl: I remember making those bead twists
choppastylegirl: For no eason
theworldalmanac: oh yeah
choppastylegirl: Reason
theworldalmanac: we all did that
choppastylegirl: Yep and poodles
theworldalmanac: i'd like to cut them up
theworldalmanac: and separate the beads
theworldalmanac: and just throw them in the cups like it was basketball
choppastylegirl: Omg
choppastylegirl: Did I tell you about the fish eyes??
theworldalmanac: i dont believe so
choppastylegirl: Omg
choppastylegirl: So like
theworldalmanac: yes?
choppastylegirl: Have you ever made that water bottle and mardi gras beads art project
choppastylegirl: ?
theworldalmanac: hmm
theworldalmanac: i dont think so
theworldalmanac: what was it?
choppastylegirl: Just cut up beads and put them in a water bottle with food coloring and water
choppastylegirl: and ba,
choppastylegirl: Bam
theworldalmanac: oh no definitely didnt do that
choppastylegirl: Oh
choppastylegirl: Well
theworldalmanac: i wish i would have :-(
choppastylegirl: Evidently if you dig a fish's eyeballs out, you get these frosty-clear balls
choppastylegirl: Hard as rocks
theworldalmanac: as a pisces, i cannot test this hypothesis
choppastylegirl: And when we made that project at school, I put my fish eye collection in the bottle
theworldalmanac: this was at lacoste?
choppastylegirl: yes
theworldalmanac: we totally did not do this at gauthier
theworldalmanac: at lesat, i dont remember
theworldalmanac: you should tell it to brook
choppastylegirl: You vould do it
choppastylegirl: The story?
choppastylegirl: She was there when I made it!
theworldalmanac: yeah and see if she remembers doing it
choppastylegirl: She was grossed out
theworldalmanac: oh
theworldalmanac: haha
theworldalmanac: well john then
choppastylegirl: Sure
theworldalmanac: he was also at gauthier
theworldalmanac: hooray for poydras kids
choppastylegirl: Yep he lives in n.o. I think
----------------------- 1:04 pm -----------------------
theworldalmanac: yeah i finally started to catch up with him recently
choppastylegirl: I found out about the eyes bc my dad gave me a fillet knife and let me play with the fish
theworldalmanac: thats nasty g
choppastylegirl: Haha
choppastylegirl: Well
theworldalmanac: your dad was cruel to fish
theworldalmanac: well you were too
theworldalmanac: eye gouging
choppastylegirl: No it was after he cleaned them
choppastylegirl: Hahaha
choppastylegirl: They were dead!
choppastylegirl: Maybe he told me about it, I don't know
theworldalmanac: omg poor fish
choppastylegirl: I don't think so, I think he was pretty amazing himself
theworldalmanac: this is all i can say
theworldalmanac: i guess i'm just a pussy