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riddle, and hence is a riddle in itself. Should you not like riddles, it would be best if you went somewhere else - or clicked the red 'X' button on your browser. Nonetheless, thank you for stopping by, and I welcome you to read the rest of the posts that are not in riddles.
I speak of the Kedraian woe that once was, and may be no more; though what the future holds is uncertain, there is hope.
It is fallen, it is fallen. The Puritan's plan to drain Ariadne - a faithful follower of the faith as was last taught by our Great Mother Shoshann - of her life force, and supercharge Nike, is fallen. It is fallen.
Thank you, faithful followers of Ariadne, for having given of your best, your two-hundred-percent, in all you have done for her thus far. Thank you, faithful followers of Ariadne, for bringing the glory to Kedraia; thy beloved Princess lives - for, indeed, the glory lies in that she has returned to life in a glorious burst - and the Puritan has seen that her shame and glory are in the Princess she has persecuted. Thank you, faithful followers of Ariadne, for giving power to her and her handmaiden Seraphina. Thank you, faithful followers of Ariadne, for thus reducing the Puritan's plan to naught.
Thank you, faithful followers of Ariadne. Thank you, thank you, thank you, for you have kept hope alive, and not let the eternal death come upon Ariadne; it is your hope that has enabled the work of today. Thank you.
Rejoice, followers of Ariadne, rejoice, for the Princess beloved of the Kedraians for her compassion and magnanimity may yet rule the kingdom.
Even then, followers of Ariadne, my words have not changed. Listen, and apply; in all you do for Ariadne, give of your best. Give your two-hundred-percent in all you do, as you have done. Followers of Ariadne, I exhort you: give your best, that the glory may be unto Kedraia, that the Puritan be reminded of that which is just, and converted to the true way. Come, followers of Ariadne, and let us do justice to our land and our faith.
DISCLAIMER: The characters mentioned in the riddle are fictitious. Any resemblance to real-life characters is unintentional.