004 | Dream

Mar 16, 2010 11:23

Warnings: Horror of the American kind.
Dream Effect: Nothing, really. Viewers are invited to have a sinking feeling in their gut at the end.

★ ☆ ★

And it's been sooooo looooong since he saw his big bro... That was probably why the scent of his home cooking immediately caught Korea's attention. A turn of a corner, a cross here, and there it was in front of him: a hole-in-the-wall supported by bright red pillars and a banner across the entrance with golden letters of the establishment's name, Wong Fook Hin Restaurant. It looked shady enough to be his older brother's making!

Thus Korea crept into the depths of this familiar unknown. His big bro senses were tingling and if he knew better, he would know that feeling meant that something good was not about to happen. Luckily the contradictions were too obvious to simply dismiss: the menu was lit overhead in red and white over the counter and one of Japan's welcome cats greeted him at the counter. It looked a bit like Kitty-Chan...

His eyes darted over the menu items and he momentarily wondered why his brother was selling his food. Peking Duck...that's a Korean dish! He'd be sure to take it for New Year's next year; his brother was always so stingy about giving up things! Right as he was happily thinking such things, he saw it.


His brother. Hamburgers. "Beijing burger..."

"Is that what you want?" And then a pat on the back. Korea looks over his shoulder, America grinning expectantly. "You want to biggie size that?"

★ ☆ ★

Korea wakes up wordlessly. This is a dream so bad, he can't even get back to sleep. He curls up into a ball and starts mumbling to himself, away from the Dreamberry.

[ OOC | It's a great name for a store. More importantly, did anybody actually eat it? ]

dnw supersize kthnx, today in 2008, engriiiiiiiish, meal of olympic champions, !ic, *dream, real americans use google translate, in america!, research in this post what, ria goes on about food, uncreativedingly, wong fook hin brother, beijing burger onomnom

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