Ink City Application

Nov 14, 2011 22:54

Mun Name: Onyx
Journal: courtneyflare
Contact Info: AIM: OnyxWolfRaider
Other Characters: None (though I used to play Aki)

Name: Gospel (called "Treble" in translation)
From: Rockman classic (called MegaMan Classic in translation)
Appearance: Gospel.
Age: Unknown (he's a robot and MM is screwy with times) but acts similar to a mature human.
Gender: Male (assumed, anyway).
Personality: Gospel can easily be seen as the other side of Forte's coin. He tends to be fairly calm and collected, sizing up situations and thinking them through. He often uses a mix of intellect and instinct to map a situation out, thinking ahead to try and formulate a plan. While these are rarely ever needed and Forte tends to do fine on his own, the entire reason Gospel looks ahead is to prepare just in case Forte's "plan" goes wrong and Forte's in need of his help (such as in MM10, where he stole a cure pill just in case Forte got sick). Despite his tendency towards thinking, however, Gospel is more than happy to join in Forte's usual plan of "Let's blow up everything that gets in our way;" he just likes having a backup idea.

Forte is the only one Gospel will show real affection to and unquestioningly accept affection from. Young children and males of any age will find themselves with teeth marks if they try so much as petting without Forte speaking for them, and even though he'll allow women or girls to pet him (and even enjoy it), he won't show them any sort of affection; the best they'll get is a pleased tolerance. With Forte, however, Gospel almost becomes like a puppy, licking his face, laying in his lap, and sometimes even demanding affection from the other robot. This is mostly in private, though Gospel will still lay his head or upper body on Forte's legs or lap in public to nap or sleep, just without all the lovey-dovey bluster.

Gospel tends to have a habit of biting people that get too close into his personal space or offend him in some way. While these bites do break skin and cause bleeding, they're not as severe as they look -- they don't cause any real damage besides drawing blood and possibly bruising the area around the bite. As Gospel's jaw is strong enough to crush bone, this is definitely considered a "light" bite, and he only ever goes past that if someone is really too persistent for their own good, he's fighting to defend himself, or they've messed with Forte in some way and he gets the blow in before Forte does.

Forte is very important to Gospel, and for multiple reasons. He considers Forte the only one he can trust without question, because despite why he was built, Forte's treats him like an equal and a friend, not like a tool or a pet. He and Forte work together rather than him working for Forte, and the humanoid robot has tended to him and cared for him more times than most would believe. Because of this, Forte is the most important thing in the world to Gospel, so much so that while he will certainly talk openly with him (even to the point of calling him an idiot), when push comes to shove he will always stand by Forte's side regardless of the circumstances. He will come at Forte's call or assistance with no regard to his personal safety (exposing himself to a virus and passing the only cure onto Forte, for one), and the only reason he hasn't stepped in to defend his "master" is because Forte is more than capable of taking care of himself.

Though Gospel easily has very aggressive tendencies, he is not innately aggressive. On his own, so long as you don't press the wrong buttons, it's not too hard to gain his tolerance. His friendship, while not easy to gain, is somewhat less difficult than Forte's, especially if that someone can carry on a conversation with him. Keeping that friendship is another matter, and once again tied into Forte. If Forte likes someone, even if they don't know about it, Gospel will be friendly and even protective of that person. If, however, Forte doesn't like someone, Gospel will be as equally hateful, refusing to lift a paw to help and biting the person past his usual gentle limit if they try anything with him. Despite this, Gospel is willing to and does make friends besides Forte, going so far as to speak favorably about them to his partner if they touch him deeply enough. His devotion is most important to him, however, and even if it's a friend facing off against Forte in any way, Gospel will not hold back.
Backstory: (Provide a quick look into their past- where are they from, what are their motivations? If you don’t know, you can provide some good ol’ fashion headcanon.)
Moral Standing: Neutral. Gospel only really cares about Forte's opinion, and will assist Forte accordingly, but he himself has no real standing. He's open to most anyone.
Dreams: His main focus would be finding Forte, so his dreams would only develop in-game after a certain amount of time.
Fears: Being left completely alone.
Extra: Gospel has the ability to merge with a robotic entity to add traits in a mode known as Gospel Boost. While Forte is the only one who currently has the specifications necessary, it is possible for someone skilled with programming to hack Gospel's data and add the specifications to another robot (or really, anything that could adapt that programming).
Wiki Page
MM8, Vs. Gospel Boost
Writing Sample: Dear Mun.

@app: ink city

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