[A cold, authoritative gaze examines Flynn from the other end of the line. It's as if his eyes were reaching through the screen and grasping Flynn by the gullet.
First impressions: Proper posture. Respectful tone. Polite, though that is not usually necessary. Direct.
This satisfies the Inspector.]
Why? You worked a similar profession at home, I take it.
[So this is the head of the Police force he'd heard about. Right, must keep cool and organised.]
I was a Captain in the Imperial Knights back home, it was my duty to ensure justice was delivered to criminals and the citizens were protected from harm. I would like the oppertunity to continue such actions here.
[Captain. Imperial Knights. Duty. This gives the Inspector a pause.
The last General, or Captain he accepted into the force went on to become one of the brightest, best members of the service. Javert has had very good experience with ex-military men. Or Knights, as it were.]
When did you arrive? You are new. I don't know your face.
I only arrived a few days ago. I hope that's not a problem, but I was reffered to the Police Force by a researcher named Rita Mordio. I figured it would be appropriate for me to offer my abilties for the sake of enforcing the law.
[Javert speaks with firm authority, a hint of an old world accent to his words. Though he is a very busy man, at least he is patient when the situation calls for it. He casts his eyes away from the screen to scratch something down on a spare sheet of paper. Calmly, he rattles off a quick list of abrupt instructions as he writes.]
Go to District Five. That is the government district. The capitol stands out among the rest of the structures; you will recognize it by its handsome gold dome. The city courthouse is near it. Beside the courthouse you will find Police Service Headquarters. Enter at the east gate. Tell the officer at the desk that you were sent by Inspector Javert.
He will give you a copy of the Somarium Law Code. Read it.
[Flynn takes a hold of a pen and paper and quickly scribbles down the information as Javert speaks. District Five, Police Headquarters, East Gate. He then slips the note into his pocket. A book about law is going to take some time to read thoroughly, no better time to pick it up than today.]
I've made a note of the location and I understand the request, I'll make sure to read the code of law from cover to cover. It shouldn't take me more than a few days so one week is more than sufficient time.
First impressions: Proper posture. Respectful tone. Polite, though that is not usually necessary. Direct.
This satisfies the Inspector.]
Why? You worked a similar profession at home, I take it.
I was a Captain in the Imperial Knights back home, it was my duty to ensure justice was delivered to criminals and the citizens were protected from harm. I would like the oppertunity to continue such actions here.
The last General, or Captain he accepted into the force went on to become one of the brightest, best members of the service. Javert has had very good experience with ex-military men. Or Knights, as it were.]
When did you arrive? You are new. I don't know your face.
I only arrived a few days ago. I hope that's not a problem, but I was reffered to the Police Force by a researcher named Rita Mordio. I figured it would be appropriate for me to offer my abilties for the sake of enforcing the law.
[Javert speaks with firm authority, a hint of an old world accent to his words. Though he is a very busy man, at least he is patient when the situation calls for it. He casts his eyes away from the screen to scratch something down on a spare sheet of paper. Calmly, he rattles off a quick list of abrupt instructions as he writes.]
Go to District Five. That is the government district. The capitol stands out among the rest of the structures; you will recognize it by its handsome gold dome. The city courthouse is near it. Beside the courthouse you will find Police Service Headquarters. Enter at the east gate. Tell the officer at the desk that you were sent by Inspector Javert.
He will give you a copy of the Somarium Law Code. Read it.
[He raises his eyes to Flynn again.]
Is one week enough?
I've made a note of the location and I understand the request, I'll make sure to read the code of law from cover to cover. It shouldn't take me more than a few days so one week is more than sufficient time.
I expect you will be prepared.
If you need me before then, you can reach me through this line.
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