State of the Pups: May

May 25, 2011 15:34

Me: Rationally, I know that I have a good excuse for not being around this month and that no one holds it against me. Still, because I've been very quiet about my reasons, I worry that people will just look at my activity and think I'm slacking, when really, I only wish I could keep up but it's proving difficult. So, I figured I'd write up one of these and use it as a place to state the reason for my relative absence so it will be... I don't know, on the record or something, and then I can stop feeling guilty about it.

Currently, I'm undergoing treatment for depression, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive and eating disorders. For the first time in a long, long while, my psychiatrist had finally found me a medication that truly seemed to work more than anything else, and I began to notice significant improvement. The medication, however, is very expensive and my medical insurance refuses to cover it (I was taking samples before). They suggested, instead, that we try another medication, and my psychiatrist and therapist both plan to appeal the decision if the suggested treatment doesn't work. As of now, it really isn't, and I've been steadily declining these past few weeks. I had another visit today and the doctor increased my dosage, hopefully that will help, but truly I just feel so, so disheartened. It's like I glimpsed that light at the end of the tunnel for the first time and then just as quickly it was gone, and while it's good to know that there is something out there that works, it's really fucking frustrating not to have access to it.

Anyway, that is what's up with me and the reason I've been so slow lately. I'm doing my best to stay on top of things this week but just in case I disappear again, this is why. Now, on to the characters.

General: Doing okay, getting better. I haven't been around enough to keep her as active as she should be, which I desperately want to improve. As a result, though, I have very little to say here. I don't know, I need to do more with her, I was talking to Di about some things that sound genuinely exciting but they're a few months off and I know she's going to be nagging at me persistently now that I've started rewatching the canon. Anyone want Buffy threads? Buffy plots? Buffy anythings? I am open to all the things, come at me bro.

Truth Plot: Open to plotting, but thinking I won't do it for her specifically, I don't think. Most of her secrets are no more, and even the few things she keeps close to the chest wouldn't have as much impact on the island as they would in Sunnydale.

Requests: I want everyone on this island, give them to me all. Specifically, probably Spike, Xander, Fred, Ishiah, Rahne, Amy, Rory. New people, old people, all people. Just in case it hasn't been said enough, everyone.

General: Did not get played at all this month, but please don't take that as a bad sign of any sort, she's still so very much awake in my mind. If anything, it's a testament to how much I simply was not around this past month, and she's the quieter of my four so she got the short end. She does, however, genuinely need to meet more people. And probably have some plot. God, I don't know, maybe she should go on a hike? Organize a hike? Maybe it could be a seemingly normal hike that ends in disaster, somehow, though I'm not sure what I could get to substitute for a polar bear or smoke monster. Maybe, and this is ridiculous and perhaps not even remotely plausible, but I've been thinking how cool it would be for some Lost characters to get the wreckage of flight 815 as an item. It could crash onto the second island, maybe, and people would see it from the shore and be like whaaaaat and there would be fire and screaming? I don't know, I don't know.

Truth Plot: Could get very interesting. Probably yes, any takers?

Requests: Sawyer, Mathias, Eden, Eames, Felicia, Neil, Beckett, Juliet. New people, any and all.

General: Is going to get an item post soon, hopefully. Isn't doing much yet, I need to fix that and try to get her involved with. Things. She did help Chuck Charles organize Passover, though, and that was lovely. She'll have more to do when next school term rolls around, so really I'm not too worried, but I don't want her to just... be there. Girl gets scary when she's not occupied.

Truth Plot: Maybe? Between Jeff, Britta, and herself for all the drama? I don't know, it could get interesting!

Requests: Britta, Jeff, Eduardo, Olive, Kate G, Grace, Hermione, Mark, Erica, I know I'm missing some, can I just say everyone? I want everyone.

General: Love, love, love, I am in love. The hardest part about Santana is reconciling how stupid canon can be sometimes, especially with regards to her backstory. At the beginning of season two, her father was a doctor, and by the end she was constantly talking about how she's from ~the wrong side of the tracks. Which, you know, of course, that was to be expected, why would I expect them not to go the stereotypical route with the Latina girl? I have a few ideas and haphazardly sculpted head canon that incorporates both facets into a somewhat coherent background, but I know that come season three, chances are it will all be tossed out and I'll have to start from scratch, so for now I just... won't talk about it? Ever? Okay, cool. Otherwise, I love her bitchy, bitchy self, am loving plugging away at her debut, and can't wait to get her out and about.

Truth Plot: Too new, probably, but this might change.

Requests: She's brand new, so everyone. Puck, of course, Luce, Olive, Thalia, Faye, Claire, Nathan, Maxxie, everyone, everyone.
Queue: So, this is interesting. In alphabetical order, Cara (Legend of the Seeker), John Luther (Luther), Ruth (Never Let me Go), and River Song (Doctor Who). I haven't a clue as to the order yet, it all depends on too many factors, but I think these are the ones I truly want the most at the moment. Also on the list are Altliv from Fringe, but given season three's cliffhanger, she'll have to wait, as well as Kenzi from Lost Girl, who's waiting until season two. As for Cara, the other day I found the first draft of an app I wrote for her last July on my iPod. So, you know, in a few months, I'll have wanted her for a whole year and the desire has yet to go away, which means I should get on that, probably. As for Luther, I really do not know how he got there, but he did and now I need him in my life. He is completely, completely different to anyone I've ever played, so complex and intense and just gfhjkdl. I'm rewatching the first series, impatiently anticipating the second, I think it's in June (July? Later?) and probably after that he will be unstoppable. Then Ruth, my love, my light, might wait for Lina to app Kathy but she's always in the back of my mind making me feel all the feelings and she's one of those characters whose canons don't afford them half as much as the island might, which is always very interesting. Finally, there's River, who wasn't even on my radar and then this series started and now I can no longer recall a time when she wasn't in my life. Ugh, ugh, all the feelings for her, too, but chances are we won't truly find out who she is until after the summer hiatus which means she miiiight have to wait another period. I don't want to app her and suddenly have canon tell me I've done everything wrong, but that's very, very likely given how little we know for sure.

ooc: sotp

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