Who: Zell and Sora
What: Sparring cut short by lack of skill?
When: Today?
Where: Starts in the kitchen
Rating: G, PG at most
Sora jumped down the stairways. This place was so massive, it took forever getting anywhere. It reminded him a lot of the castle in Hollow Bastion, except without the heartless. It even had the small village like Hollow Bastion did! Though he couldn't seem to recall anything about the townspeople, besides a few of the shopkeepers. And the moogles. He remembered them perfectly, especially how angry they got when he tried to touch the pink ball on their head.
The stairway opened to the hallway, he knew straight to his right was the kitchen. Perfect. He was starving, he hadn't eaten all days. And it amazed him just how much food was here, so many new things that they didn't have on his island. It was hard to choose from!
One of the ghosts glided up to him silently, looking at him to give his order. "Oh hello!" he said cheerfully. The ghosts made him freak at first, but he grew used to them after he realized they were very nice and helpful. "I guess I should say what I want." he stroked his chin and thought about it, then he remembered. "Oh! Do you have hot dogs? Someone named Zell said I had to try them!" Then he paused thinking "Unless its real dog! I don't think I would want to eat dogs!" Especially if it was true about one of his friends being a dog. That would be wrong to eat one of his cousins.