Aug 25, 2009 12:17
Who: Cordelia & Anyone at Wolfram & Hart
Where: Wolfram & Hart Main Lobby
When: Morning
What: Cordy has a vision about things brewing in Louisiana
Status: Incomplete
It felt strange to be here. Strange to be alive. But, Cordelia was glad. Glad to be here. Glad to help her friends again. Because, clearly, they were all totally lost without her. Really, running an evil law firm? Pssh. What were they thinking!? Nothing smart, that was obvious. But, she understood. Understood why Angel did it. He made a deal with the devil, maybe the literal one, who knew? But, at least Connor was safe, as far as she knew. And completely oblivious to the horrible life he had before.
Even so, believing that they could turn a perpetually evil place to good from the inside was a far-fetched dream. From her point of view, Lorne seemed to be the only sane one. Taking off to rebuild his bar. Okay, he was rebuilding it in the middle of nowhere Louisiana, but at least the guy was happy. Was anyone else around here happy? Fred was head of her science lab, so she was probably on cloud nine. Gunn had some sort of brain upgrade, but still had the muscle, so she assumed he was feeling more useful than ever. She knew she could count on Wesley to always feel glum about something, despite the never-ending supply of books to which he now had access. And Angel. Of course, he was miserable, but clearly enjoying some of the perks.
And she had to admit, the perks were nice. Nice accommodations, Free designer wardrobe, a car for each day of the week. But, what was all that stuff worth when it really came down to it? Had they truly helped anyone? Were they any closer to stopping the next apocalypse? And the one after that? Probably not. If anything, she had a feeling her friends were only helping the evil cause. She didn't want them to get sucked in to something horrible and lose themselves along the way.
As she strode across the Wolfram & Hart main lobby in her brand new Manolo Blahniks--courtesy of the Wolfram & Hart closet--she felt that familiar and, thankfully, much less painful sensation shoot through her brain. It came in flashes; vampires verses people, people verses people, fire and brimstone, blood, bodies, various limbs amid rubble, government helicopters, tansks, and firing squads, she saw Buffy fighting, the ground opening. She knew where this was. And the feeling she got was of a 'second Sunnydale'. A Hellmouth.
When her eyes returned to their natural brown, she realized that she was floating in mid-air and glowing slightly in the middle of the lobby. Stupid vision side-effects. She half-smiled and said, "Morning," to all those in the room, as she slowly lowered back to the floor.