Title: Killing Me Slowly Part: 4 of 5 Author: chosenoneSummary: “Our doubts are traitors, and make us lose the good we oft might win, by fearing to attempt
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Excellent! Really really excellent! I literally CANNOT WAIT for the next part of this fic. You're a very talented writer, and you've certainly mastered the characters in this story. Thank you.
Really liked this! especially: , but it wasn’t the kind of thing that got easier the more you did it. The more times he ended up on this table, the harder it felt to get up out of it. Getting run through sort of tore at a man’s soul, a little at a time
Comments 2
especially: , but it wasn’t the kind of thing that got easier the more you did it. The more times he ended up on this table, the harder it felt to get up out of it. Getting run through sort of tore at a man’s soul, a little at a time
waiting for the next part!
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