Nov 22, 2006 23:54
I've never done one before but.. I want to. ^_^ And I love to make new friends!
01. The Basics (name, age, whatever else):
02. Favorite Movie:
03. Favorite Book:
04. Favorite Character and why:
05. Your OTP (one true pairing, for those who don't know. =) )
06. Anything else?
harry potter,
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Comments 26
Fave Movie: 2, Chamber of Secrets
Fave Book: HBP (6)
Fave Character: Harry
My OTP: I don't really have an OTP in the HP'verse. My only OTP is Buffy/Angel
Other: I love your journal. :)
omfg. Bangel is awesome. I officially love you. xD
Thanks. I rant. lol.
And Christmas is coming up, I could make you some icons if you'd like. =)
Oh! Okay. xD Sorry, misunderstood.
02. Favorite Movie: PoA
03. Favorite Book: OotP Although I'll say that HBP is a very close second, that book was AWESOME.
04. Favorite Character and why: I want to say Ron because he's such a character, but I'll say Hermione because she's smart and so independent. I love the whole story line about her and the house elves.
05. Your OTP (one true pairing, for those who don't know. =) ) I don't really have one. But if I had to choose it'd either be Ron/Hermione because it's cute how much they fight, which means they so are meant for each other, or Harry/Ginny just because it's cute.
06. Anything else? Ummm, your icons are awesome. I love cake!!
Aw, Hermione is funny. I love quite a few of them so I don't think I have favorites.. maybe Fred and George.
Ron/Hermione is love. xD I also like H/G too.
Thanks! =) I don't eat much cake.. -weird like that I guess?-
lol, honestly, I don't either, unless it's chocolate. Mmm. Also, I just realized I forgot to add you (hardy har). So, I just did. :D
xD Added back. I think the last time I ate cake was at my 16th b-day party. It was a HP one. xD
01. The Basics (name, age, whatever else): Tamara, 18, Kansas College Student
02. Favorite Movie: Back to the Future
03. Favorite Book: Pride&Prejudice, Good Omens
04. Favorite Character and why: Hermione Granger, Elizabeth Bennet, Tom Riddle; the first two, because I identify with them, the last because he fascinates me
05. Your OTP (one true pairing, for those who don't know. =) ) Tom/Hermione
06. Anything else? Do you have a facebook? XD
I like Tom, he's funny in some way that I can't describe. Hm. Ooh, i've never really thought of Tom/Hermione.
Erm. What's a facebook? xD
02. Favorite Movie: GoF. Saw it like 4 times in the theater. My movie order: GoF, PoA, SS, CoS.
03. Favorite Book: I would go with HBP just because its the only one I havent read upwards of 10 times. My book order: HBP, GoF, PoA, SS/PS, OotP, CoS.
04. Favorite Character and why: I LOVE RON IN THE MOVIES. Umm bookwise... Fred and George, I'd say.
05. Your OTP: R/Hr DUHHHHH. But for fic I ship anything. Me loves H/D.
06. Anything else? I have like zero HP friends, so feel free.
I haven't been reading HP that long.. hm. My brother made me watch the first movie (he constantly reminds me of this which makes me want to hurt him) so I wanted to read the books and went to the library and stuff. I read the first five within two months and got them from my brother's friend and the two that I didn't have for my 16th b-day.
I still stick by GoF. xD I want badly to go to a Quidditch World Cup match.
RUPERT IS ADORABLE! Fred and George are probably mine too. (We'll send you a Hogwarts toilet seat!) I'm still quite angry with all of their haircuts. ><
I, for some reason, don't ship any slash. It's kinda weird with all my friends saying they like Harry/Draco when I can't even imagine it. xD
We are already friends 'cause we rock like that. =D
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