(no subject)

Jul 09, 2006 12:11


Jeffrey Dahmer was born in Milwaukee on May 21, 1960. He was happy as a child, and interested in all the things children ought to be; stuffed animals, toys, dogs, etc. He was often sick but maintained his spirit and his normal interests until he was four. His father recounts and instance when he had cleared out some animal bones from underneith the porch and Jeffrey, four years old was fascinated. He even went so far as to dig his hands into the heap of bones--nothing would give him greater pleasure. At age six things really changed.

Jeffrey had surgery for a double surgery, and after that, as his father recalls, he was never the same. He became introverted, silent, shy. In 1966 as he entered the first grade he cultivated a fear of nearly everything, especially going to school. The following year Jeffrey developed a friendship with a boy named Lee. When Lee recieved a gift of tadpoles from their teacher, however, their relationship ended as the young Dahmer snuck into Lee's garage and poured motor oil over the helpless pollywogs.

By age fifteen Dahmer became stiff, silent, and extremely tense when approached. He began to tour the neighbourhood picking up roadkill for his own personal cemetery. "He would strip the flesh from the bodies of these putrescent road kills and even mount a dog's head on a stake." Writes his father in his book about his son's development. Such behavior continued through highschool while Dahmer's parents divorced, and he became an alcoholic and slipped deeper and deeper away into his own twisted mind. (Dahmer testified that he had had fantasies about having sex with dead men's bodies since he was fourteen.)

In June of 1978 Dahmer picked up a cute hitchhiker named Steven Hicks. They had sex and drank together, but this came to a brutal end as Hicks decided to leave. Dahmer couldn't take the thought and so blugeoned the nineteen year old to death with a barbell. He then proceeded to chop up the body, put it in plastic bags, and bury it in the backyard.

In January of 1979 he was sent away to Germany in the army after flunking out of community collage in Ohio where they had moved. He was discharged for alcoholism and upon his returned dug up the pieces of Hicks and smashed them up with a sledgehammer, scattering them in the woods.

By 1989 Dahmer had been charged with child molestation and indecent exposure two years before his final arrest in 1991. In 1990 after serving a shortened prison term he was released.

On may 14, 1990 Dahmer moved into an apartment of his own where he was free to do whatever he pleased. And that he did. In a period of about a year he killed twelve men (though they were as young as fourteen.) Dahmer always used the same technique to lore his victims. He would pick up men at gay bars and invite them back to his apartment to watch pornography with him. He would then proceed to drug them, strangle them, and then have sex with the corpse and masterbate on it later. He would then proceed to cut open the torso and take photographs, claiming to be "Sexually aroused by the heat the fresh vicera gave off." He would then dismember the body and disolve it using various chemicals. Once dissolved he would pour it down the toilet or a drain. He documented this process meticulously with thousands of photographs and would even keep pieces of the victims, especially the gentials and the heads. He would perserve the former in formaldahide and clean the other, painting it grey to make it appear to be made of plastic. Like most necrophiliacs Dahmer also enjoyed cannibalism, trying various recipies to tenderize the human flesh. He claimed that eating the meat would cause him to be sexually aroused.
In his never-ending quest for control Dahmer refused to be rejected by any lover. He also experimented with more forms of murder. Once the victim was drugged he would, for instance, inject muriatic acid into their brains. It killed most instantly, but one man stayed alive for a few days unable to function before his death. To aid him in his quest for control, Dahmer of course dabbled in Satanism, saying that "Keeping the bodies of his victims around made him feel evil." He had even erected a shrine containing the various gruesome 'trophies' he had accumulated (something he took great sexual satisfaction in.

It was on July 22, 1991 when Dahmer was finally discovered. A man he had attempted on fled, running into police explaining that he was fleeing from some "weird dude." The police went to investigate. Dahmer was rational and unlocked the handcuff he had locked around the man's wrist. One of the policemen went to find the alleged knife that had been used as well and was horrified to see pictures depicting all of Dahmer's act littering the room. Dahmer was quickly cuffed and the police continued to look around, deciding they needed help when they discovered an entire human head in the refrigerator.

When investigators entered the apartment they discovered three other heads in the freezer. They broke open a cabnet discovering decomposing hands and genitals and a few more skulls.

The investigation continued and Dahmer was brought to court, soon to be sentanced to fifteen consecutive life terms in prison. On November 28, 1994 Dahmer was killed by a fellow inmate.

Remains being removed from Dahmer's apartment.
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