May 13, 2011 03:01
- 11:45:10: @ frankenteen Happy Birthday! And taking a page from @msamberpriley...oh hale to the no. Nothing to see there =P
- 12:06:14: @ intrenches Good luck for the rest of them =)
- 12:13:22: @ westlifebunny oh the summer sounds so lovely in comparison to the cold over here. Nothing much, just job interviews, work, sleep lol
- 12:32:34: @ RebeccaAgostino @makeMEup04 added you both- chowders
- 12:36:03: Sleep glorious sleep.
- 23:44:58: The amount of times I have seen/will watch Jonathan Groff's "Don't get involved"...oh my goodness! Some gif it pronto!
- 23:46:18: @ makeMEup04 yep yep, time to drop by to be announced. Well when can you come over? CC: @RebeccaAgostino
- 23:53:18: Spent the last 2-3 hours fixing up mother's new iPad2. Feel like a broken record telling her "Don't be scared, it's just a big iPhone"
- 23:57:19: @ makeMEup04 that's too fucking weird. I'm sure your mum got a kick from it *shudders*
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