-Omifuckinggod. I can't believe it, i always thot i didn't put enough trust in ppl i knew.. guess not now.-
.What happened? Well, the story is that Jenny from school had a bday party and "oh happy happy she's turning 13!" and all that shit. The problem (or is it?) was that she hadn't invited me or(and?) my "only friend in tfs" Roxana. Invitations were passed out a month before since she was so damn excited.. (I got all this from Clare- who, yes, was not one of those "lucky asses to get chosen", right.)
.Naturally, i went and told Roxana when i heard.. we were both so shocked.. She even put on her wrinkly prune face that showed how mad she really was. Then, as the days started counting down, more and more talk was about. Jenny was talking in my face about her party (which she prefered to call "whispering") and thought i still didn't know (wow, she's that thick to think me so low). At this point, roxana started to lose interest in the whole topic and kept on laughing and grinning and asking "Why?" when i said "Jenny thinks i'm that dumb"
.Finally on Friday, that great day before November break, I couldn't resist and blurted out "Jenny, i know about your party and i know i'm not invited". The usual happened: hughug, i'm so sorry(I have time to change it but i'm not cuz i'm not really sorry and that hug didn't mean no shit), then me saying "it's okay, i dun
give a damn anways :D"..
But I should have known.
Tonight after dinner with Grandma and Aunt and Uncle, *click* I visit Roxana's site while I talk to my real friend Kelly and distant "friend" Tiffany. What's this I read? Roxana went to Jenny's party after school on Friday? The shock comes, I feel the crumbling effect..
.I can't believe it! >:( Roxana was putting up an act since who knows when! I'm seriously mad, not only that, but I'm a little heartbroken. I always knew Roxana wasn't a great friend, but now I guess there's nothing else to say. I thought deep down that no matter how much I didn't like her we still knew each other since tms and that we talked. Guess not. Lemme see, she didn't tell me cuz Jenny would find out and yell at roxana for telling me.. and hm she doesnt want that to happen. Course not, this is Jenny we're talking about.. and Roxana's desperate for friends, striving to fit in with the herd where they decide what's the norm for each other- and ironically I thought she hated stereotypes. Not only is Roxana a bitch, but Jenny along with her. So i talked to Roxana since she was online "So you were invited to Jenny's stupid party" "yes" *me typing out "Gee thanks bitch" but she hides offline right away*.. then what's this? Roxana takes out that whole entry from her site cuz she thinks that'll help. Bitch. hmm, Jenny's online too. I'll go bitch off.. She keeps on saying she's sorry.. and i block her. then I wanna argue some more and i unblock her and sign in again. She says she shouldn't have done that and now she's sorry. now. She says she thought that she knew roxana better than me.. I say "What? You mean you guys read Gossip Girl and crap together but i Only Lent a LP Cd for you to burn?" more apologies, but it's not going to help anymore. I thought she was a friend, but guess not. I thought I could sorta trust Roxana after knowing her for so long, guess not too. I end off the conversation by saying something along the lines of "Fuck, I've had enough of this shit i'm getting from you guys" and blocking. She tries to add me with her new made email, block! Thank god it's November Break and I'm seeing Kelly and Tiff tomorrow. I dunno how i'd deal if it was school. I hope I dun forget I'm supposed to be mad and talk to the bitches.. I might join Gabrielle and become a loner. no, I've got more style than that. I'll eat alone, or maybe with Clare who didn't get invited either. No she won't understand.. I hope Jenny doesn't try to hug me again. I'd almost kick her off. And roxana? She doesn't hug or say sorry even when she knows she's wrong.