*cries tears of sadness at THE WORLD EXPLODING*Relatedly, I have read every single (unflocked) Cameron Mitchell fic on the internet. I'm not exaggerating. I read everything on ff.net, I used blogsearch and LJseek, I Googled, I hit up the memories at stargatefic and stargateficrec, I
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Comments 27
WOW. I AM IN AWE. (Did you check del.icio.us for more recs? *ducks*)
Note: I hate Mitchell just as much as I hate McKay and Pete and Martouf and Narim and Orlin and Joe the Ambassador and Laira and all the people that stand in the way of Sam and Jack. So in case you didn’t know…..I am a very loyal Sam/Jack shipper!
WOW AGAIN. This time not in awe, but more in horror. Oh, Cam, you do not deserve all that bashing.
CLAM!! :D :D :D
ps: SG/popslash
Poor Cam. He does not deserve all the bashing! He is hot! (And so is everyone else on the list. Why hate the pretty people? I do not understand.)
OMG, more crossover fic. *bookmarks*
O-kay. Wat kind of food?
Why hate the pretty people? I do not understand.
Me neither. I mean, I like Jack/Sam a lot (a remnant from my childhood), but that's no reason to kill off Rodney or Cam or Martouf (oh, Marty, why did you have to die??). Pete I can take or leave. :D :D
Anyway, so apparently real-life Cameron Mitchell owns, like, seven restaurants in Ohio that serve mostly American food (burgers and such). i think one of them is an Italian place, and one serves seafood. I'm just so fascinated by this. Didn't the writers Google before they picked the name? I wonder if RL Cam Mitchell is happy or irritated that someone on TV has his name. If it were me? I'd make all my RL friends call me Camshaft and make them treat me as if I were as hot as Ben Browder, just because ( ... )
If you want to read it too.
I just -- yeah. I find myself having to fight the urge to run around the internet posting "the sheep-headed one" every time I see Justin's name mentioned.
That is my new battle cry. Also I should always have a scene in my fanfic where a character is impaled on a flag and has their celly stolen by a very specific species of bird. Damn straight.
In other news: LOL.
Mitchell ran out of the door to his room and accidentally tripped over his next door neighbor’s cat. It was a tabby cat and it was very cute.
Aaaawww, Kitty.
(For serious, I'm becoming jealous that I didn't write that story. *seethes*)
How are you holding up, nowadays?
I'm good. I quit my horrible job and am sort of mooching off my parents until I get into law school. I've been tutoring errant high school students whose parents have too much money in the meantime. I also have four months of LJ to catch up on, which should be lower on my priority list, but it's not. I figure I'll only be (hopefully) unemployed once in my life, so I'm trying to squeeze all my time-wasting in while I can. Yay? (Hahaha, if you ever want an essay out of me, just ask me to talk about myself!)
How are you?
The towers on the heights... by minervacat.
It's totally BRILLIANT. John and Cam are e-mail pen pals, geeking out about college basketball, and the whole team gets involved in rather scary ways. And then there's this follow-up story where John goes on a date with Cam and the SG1 team gets really drunk at a basketball game.
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