Edinburgh Marathon

May 12, 2011 15:54

In case you haven't seen me in the last 6 months, or have managed to filter out everything I've said on what is now my only topic of conversation, I'm running the Edinburgh Marathon on the 22nd May.


I've not had the best of training run-ups to the event, what with a virus laying me low for 3 months at the end of last year, then weeks more of missed training days from torn muscles, trapped nerves and other strain-related injuries. But I'm confident I can finish, and still hoping to get near my estimated time of 4 hours.

Now this may not be the last marathon I run in my life, particularly if I walk home in more than 5 hours, but it is likely to be the only time I will ever ask for sponsorship. I'm running on behalf of Enhance the UK. Enhance are a charity dedicated to helping disabled people live as normal a life as possible, who are in sore need of funding what with the government cuts to disability living and mobility allowance, without which many people may no longer have the money or facilities to leave their care homes. As anybody can go from healthy to disabled in a moment from an accident or sudden illness, I think it's a charity that anybody in the UK can get behind.

Details of how to sponsor me are here

If you are able to support me by pledging even a token amount, I'd appreciate it, and it may give me the extra impetus I need on the day to get to the finish line.
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