May 09, 2004 12:29
My mum wants to take my net away. She thinks I spend to much time on the net. And that I don't do enough work. meh
May 08, 2004 21:20
I'm soooooo sleepy, and no one is on MSN again
and my Tommikins said he would be on, so I'm going to stay on if it kills me
May 08, 2004 20:06
I just found that my arm hurts
oooooooo casulty in 20mins cool ^.^
May 08, 2004 14:44
I'm not weird, just unusual :P
I just ate my bacon butties and I watched Robin Hood (disney)
May 08, 2004 13:37
Feeling Very bored at the mo. So bored I made this LJ. No one is on MSN and poor widdle Chriddy is bored.
I'll go watch a vid now and get bacon butties mmmmmmmmmm yummy
p.s I loooooooooooooooooooooove my Tommikins