Feb 08, 2005 01:14

Well, I just went to my website and realized my Guestbook had been "hacked". Pretty clever little thing that just sends you to this page. Took a little bit of thinking to figure out how to get rid of it, too. Ended up having to download the administration page to my hard drive, delete the html that "hacked" the guestbook, load the fixed ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

grey_thought February 9 2005, 15:39:55 UTC
u have a firewall on ur pc?

o0o0 and i even think there might be a way for u to use the net behind ur skools firewall


chris83 February 10 2005, 04:47:18 UTC
No firewall on my pc... and I've used VPNs to get by my school's firewall in the past, hehe :)


grey_thought February 10 2005, 15:54:40 UTC
ill ask my teach to see if theres a better alternative to secure a site


chris83 February 10 2005, 18:34:08 UTC
It wasn't really hacked, all the guy did was put some html script on my guestbook because my guestbook allows html, and that loaded the website he specified.


grey_thought February 13 2005, 00:21:51 UTC


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