Under the cut are pics from the Battle Of Wolf 359 gig last night. I didn't actually get any decent BOW359 pictures because of the usual 13th Note lighting and general moshyness. Was good though.
Black Channels
I can't believe it snowed again last night; I'd thought the winter weather was over. I was quite enjoying it - walking around with my mouth open and face turned to the sky. I was like a wee snowman by the time I got home though and it took me ages to get to sleep because I was all cold.
Today at the shop the boss (who is called Marc) was checking some internet-realted account and the company had managed to misspell both his names so he was listed as "Bark Berkly". Everyone else laughed for an appropriate length of time but I had one of those situations where I found it absolutely hillarious and had to hold in my inner amusement to appear normal for the rest of the day. Hahahaha "Bark", I'm such an idiot.