yesterday was the best thanksgiving of all time, spent entirely with adults - playing football, eating ham and pumpkin pie, smoking cigars, and watching Christmas Vacation.
today is the busiest shopping day of the year, and where am i? in front of my brand new 2.4ghz dell laptop.
and shouts to the charizard
life is so much better
||| later that day |||
first off, i have to say a few things. 1) there are certain things that happen that don't make you angry, then there are those that do. for example, cancelling plans 30 minutes before they're supposed to happen. that is all. 2) there is no humor on this world other than that of brian regan. 3) the cure, by far, plays the best live. the end to that.
second, i lifted a wonderful book off the floor at b&n today entitled "THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE" by Benrik, authors of works of literary distinction at commonsense prices. All i have to say is. Hilarious. Here's the description on the back:
Is the year ahead looking much the same as the last? Another 365-day grind of meetings, dinner dates, and not-to-forget-birthdays? if so, try this book. Part instruction manual, part therapy, part religious cult, part sheer anarchy, THIS BOOK WILL CHANGE YOUR LIFE will help you poke a stick in the spokes of your routine and make every day of the next year the first day of your new life.
It's amazing. Here are some scans of it, because i dont feel like typing. i feel like FREAKING DOING (SOMETHING WITH) APRIL OR EATING AT TONYS PIZZA W/ JASON IN BOOLDAR. anyway, violas
and ultimately, dharma & greg makes me cry... on the inside