Two guys (in ornj shirts, mind you) came in and took out my AC - thought I was going to get a new one - but they just gave it a super thorough cleaning (took about a half hour in their truck.
I was actually more worried about what they thought of my bedroom. :-P
Mah thankz thare ChrisBehCrittahcalamitycougarJuly 12 2008, 21:54:07 UTC
ah got the Christmuz Present yew sent tah meh. Seems the Jagwar, Juglah Jagwar did not git the envelope till the othah day. So he says. Anyway he dun already opened it up and Ah guess he saw it wuz for meh.
Ah post mah thanks on Mah LJ but Ah don't think yew follow mah Lj thot much.
But many thanks tu yew from Meh. Also the Jagwar showed meh the card also. He said he liked thot also. Ah agree it is pretty cool looking.
Ah saw the preview tu Thot Beverly Hills dog movie and it looks horrible. Ah mean whare are them cat movies at???
Yew not seen thot Panda Movie yet?? It is great It haz all sorts of cats in it.
Re: Hey there ChrisBCritterjugularjaguarJuly 12 2008, 22:05:52 UTC
Please ignore some of the cougar's comments. I am not living at my own house so sometimes my mail gets messed up for one reason or another. So I apologize for that. But your Christmas card could not have come at a better time. I was not sure what it was when I opened it. It was really cool. And no I did not hold back the inner present for the cougar. He does not have the badges I have so he needs that kind of positive attention. I think he came from a disadvantaged home.
My thank again and many Cats rubs of affection to you.
A waste of your timejugularjaguarJuly 12 2008, 22:19:10 UTC
It all depends really. If you enjoy doing art at a convention then there is no big deal about it. But for just supporting yourself or doing it to cover the cost of the con it seems like it might be a big time killer over all.
Re: A waste of your timechrisbcritterJuly 15 2008, 07:11:10 UTC
I enjoy doing the art - no question. However - I am not a fast artist... it can be frustrating to "hurry" on a piece in a given amount of time. And that time I spend frustrated in the artist alley, spending less time with friends and family (not to mention making any real headway) kind of defeats the purpose! I'll still bring a few supplies - commissions are the way to go... ;-)
Comments 19
(The comment has been removed)
I was actually more worried about what they thought of my bedroom. :-P
*hugggggggggles* :-)
Ah post mah thanks on Mah LJ but Ah don't think yew follow mah Lj thot much.
But many thanks tu yew from Meh. Also the Jagwar showed meh the card also. He said he liked thot also. Ah agree it is pretty cool looking.
Ah saw the preview tu Thot Beverly Hills dog movie and it looks horrible. Ah mean whare are them cat movies at???
Yew not seen thot Panda Movie yet?? It is great It haz all sorts of cats in it.
My thank again and many Cats rubs of affection to you.
*hugggggggggggggggggles* ;-)
Hugs and Cat Rubs in return.
I enjoy doing the art - no question. However - I am not a fast artist... it can be frustrating to "hurry" on a piece in a given amount of time. And that time I spend frustrated in the artist alley, spending less time with friends and family (not to mention making any real headway) kind of defeats the purpose! I'll still bring a few supplies - commissions are the way to go... ;-)
AC....I'm glad you two hooked up!...Thanks!
Big hugs to you!
*big huggggggggggggles* back ;-)
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