I wasn't aware there still was a bear "community." I mean I'm aware there are bear clubs, but they don't represent a community to me in any way. Community implies they stand for something, provide care and nurturing for one another, and are united in some way. The bear clubs are, at best, a collection of pageants and one-upmanships. In my opinion, there's nothing good left there. That's why i changed my online name to remove the 'cub' reference. When i self-identified with the scene I thought (wrongly apparently) that a cub was a smaller person who liked larger, furrier folks (bears). But apparently I was not young/stocky/short/furry (take your pick) enough to be a cub. I hadn't realized there was an entrance exam. Honestly, at this point in my life if I were single I would be far less interested in someone who DID say they were a bear rather than just saying they were bigger and furrier but not into the drama and pageants of bear life ;)
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