Meme from shanachie_quill

Oct 16, 2010 20:55

Lots of pillows or just one?
On my bed? Just two at the moment. Plus a little u-shaped neck pillow thing like you can find at airports. On my rack, just one plus said neck pillow.

What kind of books do you read?
Fiction or non-fiction?.  Fiction, a LOT of science fiction, some fantasy, urban fantasy, vampire stories, a few mysteries, lots of romances-- mainly of the regency, historical, or paranormal type. Adventure stories of various types. Non-fiction: history, area studies, politics, more history, strategic/security stuff.

What are your neighbors like?
I haven't the foggiest notion. I don't speak Japanese, for one thing, and for another, I work long hours. VERY long hours, and I switch back and forth between working days and nights every month. And I'm often gone for months and weeks at a time.

What's really creepy?
Honestly? CNFJ, the place where I'm working right now. Some context: I''m stationed in Japan, on board a ship. My ship is currently in drydock, so we have moved the watch to CNFJ, the Commander Naval Forces Japan building. On top of a hill. Said building? Was around during WWII. Was, in fact, the building that Japanese Admirals worked in while they planned the Pearl Harbor attack, among others. There is a rumor going around that a number of these Admirals committed suicide in the office across from the main staircase to avoid having to surrender. Regardless of whether or not this rumor is true, it IS a fact that Admiral Yamamoto's old office is on the first floor and was apparently left untouched by the victorious Americans. And it is a fact that this building was the place where people actively worked on war plans against me and mine. It is flipping creepy, especially late at night when it's abandoned and quiet.

What's your current fandom/obsession/addiction?
In terms of what I'm currently reading fic in and desperately hoping for new canon just as quick as can be? Leverage, Vampire Diaries, White Collar. In terms of shows I'm following and want to get caught up on and am downloading: Psych, Castle, Supernatural. Things I've read the books for and/or wish I could download: Big Bang Theory, True Blood.

Do you prefer your junk food sweet, salty or savory?
Generally speaking, sweet. Chocolate, for preference. Occasionally salty, as with pringles or cheez-its.

What websites do you always visit when you go online?
Livejournal. Facebook. Assorted political forums or blogs. My email sites.

What was the last thing you bought?
Carbonated grape juice from the vending machine downstairs. No, wait. oatmeal cream pie from the geedunk in the kitchen. .

What is your greatest fear? 
Um. Feeling or being helpless and ineffectual. Also heights.

And I'm claustrophobic. Which is lots of fun on a ship.

Do you get cravings? If so, what do you crave? 
Sure. Blood. I mean, um, the usual. Junk food, chocolate, salt.

What do you do to change your mood?
My moods tend to be pretty transitory anyway. Usually I get frustrated at work, and seethe internally for an unspecified amount of time and then get over it. Or I walk home or whever I'm going,railing internally and then get over it. If you divine from this that I tend to hold things in, you would be correct.

What was the last meal you ate?

I eat mini-meals throughout my 13-hour workday. Last one was a whole-wheat mini-bagel with cheese and a bunch of grapes.

Do you want to learn another language?
Several, actually.  Russian. Arabic. Spanish. French. I've studied Russian, Spanish, French, and Latin, but have lost most of what I learned.

Five things you can't live without?
Books, the internet, family, music, health

Find the closest book currently sitting near you and flip to page 36. What is the first sentence of the second paragraph? 
I'm at work. There aren't any books near to me, though my Kindle is downstairs. Even if there were books around, they'd probably not necessarily be stuff I could put on the internet.

What's something that you'd like to say to someone right now?
Someone I actually know? I'd like to tell my great Aunt I love her and I'll miss her.

What are you looking forward to?

Sleeping. Also making first class. And leaving Japan.

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