I'm divided on the issue of the proposed student fees increase. On one hand I believe very strongly that to have a well-educated and less ignorant population should be the Holy Grail of any government worth its salt on the other hand I realise that this education comes at a price which we certainly need to find the funding for.
The trouble is that
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Comments 1
Firstly I don't agree with you when you say "those who come out of University with the doors open to higher-paying jobs out of the reach of those of us who did not attend University"
Using myself as an example, I didn't go to Uni; I left school in year 11, but I earn far more than any of my brothers and sisters who all did the university thing (oh, and I hate playing the salary trump game but it needed to be done for the sake of this conversation). In fact, everyone I know who earns over about 40k didn't go to Uni. They're Plumbers, Artists, Djs, Freelance Web Designers etc.
This is just a small part of my argument that university is not compulsory or often necessary - and I wish students would see the light and get out. But the trouble is, Uni is now more a rite of passage than it is a facilitator to a job.
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