I've successfully resisted getting a cellphone so far. Heck, I don't even like answering the real phone (email is so much better for communicating, really). And so many cellphone users seem to lose manners and/or brain cells, always forgetting to turn the darned things off even when flight attendants beg them to so the plane won't crash or
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Comments 8
I hadn't even thought about Bluetooth, even though the new leetle teeny laptop I just bought says it's Bluetooth-compatible. So, something new to learn about.
Thanks for the visuals, too. I hadn't really visualized myself actually using the thing, you know? But visualization is always helpful.
I wonder if we have that here, since that sounds more like what I'd use. I don't come close to using up my long distance minutes on my regular phone plan, so I don't imagine I'd use up cell minutes either. And then I'd feel like I wasting money.
But, on the up side, it doesn't really cost any more than a landline would, I think.. and I really like having a phone on me in case of emergency, like if I'm having car trouble or you know... I witnessed a crime or something. It feels kind of reassuring to know you've got that immediate link to emergency services, and that people can reach you anytime for urgent stuff. (Though that doesn't always apply, as I leave my phone off a lot of the time.) Cell phones are annoying because people act like idiots with them (especially while driving), but people act like idiots anyway, so what the fuck. I figure I'm raising the standard by having a cell ( ... )
So, the pay-as-you-go hasn't quite worked out. That's useful to know, since it does sound like a better idea on paper.
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