ok lots has happened since cedar point. lets c..where do i begin? i'll start with this past weekend....i had to go visit my gramma up at houghton lake cuz i havent seen her in like 6 months and its only fair to go c her. so we drove up there at 9 and got there at about 12 1 in the morning and stayed up for a bit then went to bed. woke up the next
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Comments 4
Anyways the fireworks were much fun and it was nice to meet you.
♥ SIC Liana <--which does not mean sic like you say to a dog or bic which is also not a pen company in your's and Ryan's cases which I finally get. :D
Have fun workin tomorrow. When it gets boring, just remember -- Christian store afterwards :-D
Cya then
God bless
P.S. If you seriously wanna go to the concerts Friday, don't forget to ask.:-D I know lots of people don't like country music, so if you don't wanna go, don't feel pressured.
Loveeeeeeeeee youuuuuu big bro :)
♥Your lil sis, Linds
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