Random thought of the day #1: So the "for Dummies" books...they've been a huge set of sellers for a long time now, and thumbing through one, I can see most of the reason why. The material is formatted in a very easily digestible manner (to admittedly the point of near condescension while still striving to be upbeat and friendly) and is for the
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So, for those of you that don't already know, I've been in Florida for the last few weeks and will overall be spending basically the month of May in Florida. So if you haven't seen me around, that's why!
This looks like a lot of fun in Davis: http://www.altcomfestival.com/ Unfortunately, I will probably be out of town for at least part of it... but if not, I want to try to go to part of it.
I expect this movie to be bad...but probably funny and maybe amusing. That said, folks should totally check out the trailer: Crank 2 Check out the trailer. It's amusing, and not for the reasons you would expect. (hooray for gimmicks!)
BTW, as a follow-up sidenote, I absolutely hated how the series finale of both BSG and X-Files basically seemed to come down to "oh, and...um....believe in god!...woo!".
Ok, so BSG is over (mostly...even excluding Caprica). Having recently seen the last of BSG, I'm left seriously thinking about the way in which the two shows approached writing
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