I'll keep it then! It was just a thought that I've had this one for ages, so thought I might change it. At least I'm not changing my name, that's confusing as hell when people do that! I remember when Shani changed to Nix being confused as fuck: 'Where's Shani dissappeared to??'
i'm so awful at default changes. i felt like such a traitor when i left behind my bunny girl icon~
i HATE name changes. just today on _twatlight somebody was like 'OMFG I REMEMBER YOU' and i had no idea who they were until they explained their name change :')
Comments 3
At least I'm not changing my name, that's confusing as hell when people do that! I remember when Shani changed to Nix being confused as fuck: 'Where's Shani dissappeared to??'
i HATE name changes. just today on _twatlight somebody was like 'OMFG I REMEMBER YOU' and i had no idea who they were until they explained their name change :')
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