Time keeps on slippin...

Oct 17, 2006 08:27

I’m going to admit it right here and now- I miss mom. Of course I have missed her and everyone else the whole time I’ve been in Greece, but after talking to her on the phone tonight I all of the sudden appreciate her just how I did when I was 3 years old and she would pick me up off the ground and hang onto me. Man, those were the days, weren’t ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

fervid_dryfire October 17 2006, 14:35:59 UTC
...as important as this column is everyone couldn’t help but notice that it resembles a large fallace...

I think the word you're looking for there is "phallus" actually. =)


christinanator October 17 2006, 15:25:12 UTC
Oh shoot, you're right. Thanks!


anonymous October 21 2006, 05:31:16 UTC
OMG! I hope you get a chance to go back to Agora so you can take a pic of Socrates' cell. Whoa! Love your pics, especially of the ancient phallus. Watch out for them roaches! Stomp on em without fear!


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