all moved in! i live by the zoo with jess, jace, hilary, and chloe. a little far south for me, but it'll do. i can walk to the park/zoo if i feel like getting mugged. jamaica in 11 days and i can't freakin wait.
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yesterday we got to see bon iver at the variey playhouse and they were amazing, intense. all the shows have been selling out. also stopped by brycen's bday party..
heather and i are sitting in portland having a movie night with our friend alex. i'm considering walking to get some hotwings for dinner
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sigh, of course i would get some weird children's disease right before we're supposed to leave for the trip. moving out day today, gonna load up on the painkillers!! pushing the trip back a few days unfortunately. and no one wants to hug me :( well, except for the people i've already infected
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thanks to the website, i have come across what would appear to be my exact (though pregnant) double. what the hell??? i'm actually trying to remember if i was pregnant and sitting on a bus like this at some point.
so, its looking like i'm going to be a total bum from the months of may to august. our lease will be up and we're heading out on the roadtrip...not sure how long we will be able to afford being on the road, but we're gonna push it for as long as we can...and then i just booked a flight to jamacia for july...i'm not going to have any money, or a
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oh my god i've been up since 8am and i have no idea what i've even done. apparently you can't brand yourself and design a business card in a last minute panic. not well, anyways. i've been downloading rap songs, and i think i started some laundry.... no ideas for my next photoshoot. no ideas for my portfolio book or paper. damnit.
i actually like a guy that is too young for me and the epitome of "not my type." he dresses and looks like leonardo dicaprio from titanic. oh lord. life suuuure has gotten crazy lately.
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