So I've been looking for a red suit on ebay for a reallllly long time. Everything is either double-breasted with early 1990s stitching and huge black buttons...or a size 20. BUT, this morning I found one that's PERFECT. The only problem? It's listed kinda expensive...still inexpensive for a suit, but a little more than I'd like to spend. Hmph. I
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Classical Mythology is officially over. Thank godOverall, the test wasn't too bad. The hardest part was probably trying to figure out how the questions lined up, to be honest. That and the fact that this girl kept finding errors and felt the need to announce them in lecture. It was very distracting, to say the least
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So I went into today's office elections meeting (for speech) pretty much knowing that I didn't stand a chance to hold an office a.)because I'm only going to be a sophomore and b.) there are only a few positions and many people to fill them. Nonethless, Mr. Kevin Tvrdy nominated me for "recruitment chair" which is the biggest position besides
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I think I can finally say I'm finished with JGEN. I finished the last memo of application and resume EVER. Words cannot describe how much I loathe that class
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