Title: Eternity [Drabble]
Author: christmasplush
Pairing: OnTae
Disclaimer: It would be awesome if I did own SHINee, but I don't.
Rating: G
Genre: Fluff, Crack
Author's Note: This is what happens when you eat chicken and listen to a fluffy song. :D
"Taemin-ah, do you believe in eternity?"
The maknae considered this question, his brows furrowing and his face scrunching up, trying to think up a suitable answer.
Jinki peered curiously at the boy, anxious for a reply.
Fidgeting with his fingers, his buttons on his shirt, and Taemin's hair, he sat there, watching as his boyfriend continued to make a constipated face and puffed out his cheeks in frustration.
It was such a simple question, yet Taemin made it seem like he was risking a million dollars.
All he had to say was yes or no.
He continued like that for a few minutes, making Jinki squirm at the silence.
The sound of the chicken truck played through the open window of their bedroom and Jinki drops the maknae who was laying on his lap.
Taemin lands with a yelp on the floor, watching as his hyung races out the door in hopes of catching the truck today.
He couldn't help but crack a smile when the elder ran back to the room, grabbing his wallet and tripping on a stray colored pencil, before running back out.
"Chicken! Wait for me!"
The maknae chuckled at his adorkable hyung, making his way to the window.
He watched as the chicken truck start to drive away.
A few seconds later, Jinki came in view, running full speed towards the truck, arms flailing. Seeing a potential costumer in the side mirror, the driver stopped suddenly, causing a breathless Jinki to crash into the back of the truck.
After successfully paying for the chicken, Jinki strut back into the room, chicken box in one hand and an ice pack in the other, holding it over his crotch area.
Taemin facepalmed.
"What? I ran into the handle part of the back door!"
Shaking his head in disbelief, the maknae watched in amazement as Jinki ripped a piece of chicken with his teeth, munching away.
One by one, the pieces of chicken disappeared, the pile of bones growing larger.
After finally swallowing the last piece, Onew made his way to the computer monitor.
Pulling up Google Chrome, he resumed his current drama, totally forgetting about the earlier question. Taemin grinned.
"Hyung, I don't know if eternity exists, but if it does, I want to spend it with you."
Onew turned to the maknae but before he could make a sound, Taemin's lips were already pressed to his.
The world stopped.
And he swore that he believed in eternity at that moment.