Kchan NEWS Highlights (1st Feb 2012)

Feb 09, 2012 17:45

Kchan news highlights: 1st Feb 2012

Guest: Tegoshi

Click on to find out what type of dreams Tego has...

Keichan talked about Tegoshi appearing in his first dream of the year.  Apparently he dreamt that he was doing a radio show with Tegoshi and got chided by Tegoshi for being boring!  Tegoshi then mentioned how he has dreams about running, and in a bio-hazard world at that with chasing zombies (>.< played one game too many??!)  He also dreams about falling from high places.

A fan sent in a letter about Countdown and mentioned about Massu’s dance (or lack of).  She wanted to know what had happened to Massu, who is usually a brilliant dancer.

Keichan: I saw it OA when I got home. It was really bad!  He(Massu) completely didn’t dance at all! What happened to him?

Tego:  Eh… It is rare (that this happens)

Keichan:  He learnt the choreography, didn’t he?

Tego:  He did.

Keichan then attributed Massu’s fail to nerves.  He also asked about Tego kissing Yamada kun from HSJ.  Tego said he did it during the CM and only because Yamada looked delicious (o_O”)  And that he was really cute (I honestly don’t get Tego at times)

Another fan asked them how she should reply to a mail from the guy she likes.  Apparently the guy’s a soccer maniac and they have had an initial chat about Tegoshi once.  She wondered how she could stretch this conversation further.  Mention the word ‘soccer’ and Tego went into his soccer maniac mode.  He told the girl to ask the guy what type of formation (4-3-3 or 3-4-3) he would like to see for Barca.  Keichan didn’t quite follow Tego's flow of thoughts and got Tego to repeat himself. Once started, Tego couldn’t stop (talking about soccer) and eventually Keichan dismissed him with a ‘Let’s move on to the next bit…. You’re noisy!’ (And this is the same guy who talked about kissing his junior just a min ago?)

The last part of the episode was about a fan letter explaining NEWS as an acronym for the four members.

Newscaster Koyama

Entertainer Tegoshi

Writer Kato

Smile Massu

And then the boys laughed at the sharp decline in relevance and meaning for ‘S’.  Keichan thought that the word ‘smile’ is definitely associated with Massu except that it seems frivolous compared to the first 3 letters. Tego then came up with ‘Superman’ for 'S'. (^^)

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