ugh finally some decent news

Sep 26, 2005 19:31

So these last 2 weeks have been pretty hard on me. Every time I answered my phone I got some pretty bad news, it started when I got the phone call about my mom going into emergency (she just had a stomach virus), a week later it was my that Grandma was bleeding internally and had to go to emergency, the next day was my grandma now had a tumor in ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

_stinkerbell_ September 27 2005, 01:02:00 UTC
i'm sorry to hear about all the bad stuff that happened in the past two weeks, but i'm glad to hear that everything is going ok now.. i hope it stays that way!

<3 Steph


orangejoy September 27 2005, 01:38:50 UTC
I know talking about it can be hard. My best thoughts are with you and your family. You know I'm here if you need to talk/escape for coffee/whatever. Hang in there!


blindtoreality September 27 2005, 03:06:30 UTC
you are coming home saturday?

Though it doesn't really matter much, I'm glad you guys told me that stuff Friday. It is wonderful to be left out. But I suppose who cares, that is not what is true.


gvmelish20 September 27 2005, 04:07:26 UTC
In the words of uncle Jesse...and I know you'll like this..."I'm there for ya babe." :)
Let me know if there is anything I can do for you. LOVE YOU TONS!


berrynoodle2002 September 27 2005, 15:56:13 UTC
I am so happy to hear grandma is going to be okay. :) I will see you this weekend dear.


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