First things first, I'll rant about something that bother me from the latest YOI episode, if you haven't watched it, please back away.
Right, I haven't updated my lj in years and my first post in years is a rant, yeah, there's a reason. I can't rant on facebook or tumblr for fear of my friends who haven't watched the latest episode. So, out of goodwill, I'm ranting here.
Ok, see the screenshot above? Damn, I'm pretty pissed at Victor for this one. I think everyone pretty much agree that Victor is still inexperienced as a coach, even Yuri said so. Like, there's no way a teacher/coach would drag their students further down by purposely shattering their heart when their mental state is already at the lowest point and I agree with Yuri on this one, Victor should have seen this coming, but he's being totally clueless. When Yuri started crying, why would you think that you kissing Yuri will make him better? Seriously, how clueless can you be?
Yeah, I know his intentions are in the right place but holy-mother-of-god Victor, how could you do this to Yuri, what would you do if Yuri didn't recover?
Dang, Yuri's outbursts during the breakdown is so heartbreaking to watch, even now, I honestly feel like crying in the office. Tosshi really did a great job voicing Yuri, haa~
Well, at this point, the end is still uncertain.
Will it be a happy end? a bittersweet end?
We can only wait.