(no subject)

May 06, 2006 14:36

Ok so,

Why Motion Design is the best class I've ever taken, and why Leon Johnson leaving may be the best thing that ever happened to the UO art program

Because, along with some other people, I suddenly feel compelled to create an art program here that totally kicks ass.

A kick ass art program:
  • Connects the making of stuff (production) with questions such as:
    • Who is it for?
    • How does it work and interact?
    • What story does it carry?
    • Where did the physical parts to make it come from? Where are they going?
    • How does this respond to the current way the world works?
  • Acknowledges our position as student-makers in that
    • We have little time
    • We have little money
    • We have little permission or recognition to do things
    • We are tremendously optimistic
    • We are the present and future
    • We have more than enough resources to do what we need
    • We have gobs of thoughts and experiences to tell each other about
  • Understands
    • that an academic department is a bureaucratic construction
      • which generouly offers decades of mastery, resources, physical space, et cetera
        • but is not a program
          • which includes an unsegmented flux of students which, like blood, pump through it and keep it living
  • Connects instantly and seamlessly with
    • Comparative literature
    • Commerce (e.g. Business, Advertising)
    • Philosophy
    • Social sciences
    • Physical sciences
    • It's own cartographic location
      • of city
        • state
          • and universe (e.g. Astronomy)
  • Unlike this list, is created by many people whom are not still lying in bed at 3:15 in the afternoon and writing but are out in the world doing and making.

A weekly happening occurs Friday afternoons in LA 197. Part craft workshop, part Jason Kottke, and part Cabinet magazine.

This coming Friday: What is the nation? Micronations, ethnic nationalisms, and imagined communities meet textile block printing, taught by Sara Stevens. Flags?
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