Abortion: I personally think that if your big enough to take the risk, then you should be big enough to take the bad things that could tag along with sex.
Death Penalty: I think for some people it is needed. Like moms that decide to kill her inocent children
Prostitution: Im suprised there arn't classes in college for that one..
Alcohol: One of the best things invented..
Marijuana: Me, I dont like it. I think its a bad habbit, but I can't change how everyone else sees it. I wouldn't do it again though
Other drugs: I think they are gross. I have seen them shread family members and friends. Its the stupidest habbit ever.
Gay marriage: I think it should be allowed. This is suppose to be a free country. So if you choose to marry a partner of the same sex, thats your choice not anyone elses. Your an adult at that point not a big baby who needs someone to make all your life desisions
Illegal immigrants: Keep them away!
Smoking: Its a bad habbit, but its something I enjoy doing. It releaves stress.
Drunk driving: oh yes, im all up for killing inocent families....NOT
Cloning: I don't belive in it. I think its wrong to mess with things like that
Racism: Its retarted. People cannot help what color they are. ITs just how they are made.
Premarital sex:Well,its a choice the person has to make. I really dont think you have to wait for marrige. If you know you will be with person forever and you honestly love them, then it is ok, but if your just screwin around, thats gross.
Religion: hahahahaha. Not even touching this one. if you know me well enough, you know that I think!
The war in Iraq: We just need to blow them up
Bush: In love with Jesus a little too much to be the voice of one of the most liberal nations in the world. ((well stated Anya))
Downloading music: Shut the hell up and give me my music. I'm not buying your whole CD anyways, whiney bitches! ((yet again Anya))
The legal drinking age: It should be 18. You can die for your country but you can't drink a beer? Something isn't right with that at all!((and again))
Porn: EWWW
Suicide: It's bad, its defenitly something that has become a "cool thing" which is stupid. It shows how weak you are.
Welfare: I don't know enough about welfare to have an opinion.
Birth control: Its a good idea if you plan on have lots of sex.
Internet connection: nothing wrong with that other than there are too many pop up adds