- Looking for some honest and compassionate advice?
- Hoping to find a place where someone will lend an ear and you can vent?
- Are you looking for a place where you can give advice and give someone hope?
- Need advice but would like to stay Anonymous?
- Not ready to go to someone close to you, but still need words of wisdom?
If you said yes to any of the above questions than
advice_source may be the place for you.
Advice_Source is:
My best friend Candace and I started the community,
Advice_Source because we love to help people and because we wanted to provide a place that is safe and caring for anyone to get advice. Our community is set up so people who are members can post questions and recieve advice in the comments from either Candace or I, or even from other members of the community!
If someone doesn't want to post their question or problem with their LJ username or they don't have an LJ, then they can send us their problem in an email at: Advice_Source@hotmail.com After recieving this email we will then post it anonymously in the community for others to leave advice for in the comments.
Anyone can leave advice in the comments, even as someone anonymous. You do not have to be a member to leave advice. We check all the comments and if we find anything rude or uncalled for it will be deleted and the user will recieve a warning. The point of
advice_source is for people to come and get open and caring advice from us or the members of the community, not criticism. Its hard to not judge but its something to work on. Its something we're striving for.
Feel free to check
advice_source out and scroll through the posts. Leave advice or join and post your own issue you need advice on. If you want to know more please read the rules on the information page or email Candace and I.
We're looking for people who are caring, want to give advice, and are hoping to give others another perspective!
Thanks for your time!