My craft venture

Apr 07, 2011 18:00

It's been a while! but I'm back and I've just started up my Etsy shop to try and make some money. At the moment it's only my sock animals, but soon I hope to do some custom jewelry and accessories and open back up for styling wigs.

I took them to an anime convention last weekend in Birmingham called Kitacon. I'm one of the organisers for the event, it was hellish to my health but the event was a huge success! and I was so proud to have accomplished such a feat with my health.

I was trying to seel them in the bring and buy there, I wasn't the one in charge though so they spent all of saturday and most of sunday in the bottom of a massive box where no one saw them. I managed to get them out and display them on the table. There was only 1 hour left of the dealers room being open at that point....only 1 sold, but I'm confident that they would actually sell! I sold 2 before the event itself and 1 at the event. I'm doing a LJ only deal at the moment so if anyones interested, feel free to ask.

If anyone would like the Etsy link for future browsing:

I hope to get more stuff up in the next few weeks and I will be doing LJ only deals for the first few days of sale. I also take custom orders so if you want say, a pink panda with orange eyes. No problem.

Thats pretty much all I've been doing recently. I did make a new costume for the convention though:

I'm the short one in black and red

Just because I'm so proud to have accomplished what we did. You can just about see me there. Thats me and Lozzie (me in black and red and Lozzie in the blue) we were both in charge of everything to do with "cosplay" or "costumes" which was a hell of alot over that weekend. We have the masquerade where we organised over 150 people who then went on stage and showed off their costumes. We had the competition where me, lozzie and 2 costume guests from the US sat and asked questions and judged costumes to win a prize, we also had something we call "Kitas got talent?!" which is basicly an event where people can preform. It was very hard work, I was on my feet for very long periods of time and when Sunday rolled round I almost broke down.

The sense of pride and accomplishment though, was worth it. Even if 1 person on the committee was a totall a hole, who is now being kicked off the committee because he caused far more trouble than he is worth.
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