There's more to life than Van and Deaq

Apr 25, 2003 23:10

Write a story where a secondary character, e.g. Aquarius, Hill, Johny O., plays a central role.

Also, some administrative stuff.

Please use the cut-tag when posting your story. Your story here is what I'm talking about.

Please include a word count and mention how you fulfill the challenge. (For last week's challenge, you would have named the actions that would count towards four drinks. For this week's challenge, tell us which secondary character you included.)

It seems as if everyone's been okay (or even happy about) my critiques of stories. If it's an issue for you in some way, feel free to discuss it anonymously (or while logged in as you) in comments to this post. Please sign your post (pick a number, any number) so we can keep track if more than one person wants to post anonymously. Also, feel free to offer up the same sort of helpful discussion of my story! I know I'm not the best writer in the world yet.

Last but not least, I would like to archive the challenge fics. Let's discuss that in comments to this post. You can discuss the issue of an archive anonymously or signed, too.
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